The Official Movie Thread

Crimes of Passion (1984) was bloody awful. A real steaming turd of a film, the production was retarded, in a lot of ways worse than stuff from the silent era.
Have you seen Russell's Whore (1991)? Its kind of a cousin film to Crimes of Passion in a way, a pseudo-documentary about the life of a hooker. It was Russell's answer to Pretty Woman. If you hated Crimes of Passion than Whore will probably give you an aneurysm. I love both. Crimes of Passion in particular. The dialogue is fucking sharp and Turner KILLS it as China Blue. Amazing woman that Kathleen.

Crimes of Passion is a real oddity. On one hand its dealing with some pretty heavy topics, ie fear of intimacy, the fear of letting someone else "in" so to speak, afraid of being yourself, the dissolution of a marriage, ect.. On the other, its a Ken Russell film peppered with a plethora of "what the fuck was that?!" moments like the weird ass commercial ("ITS LOVLEY LIFE!"), the "HP", virtually every scene involving Anthony Perkins at his most looney toones...

Oh and the score rules. 80's as fuck.
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I have seen Whore and I actually kind of like it. The thing is, the production of Whore works, whereas Crimes of Passion is a retarded combination of semi-theatrical acting technique, psuedo artsy colours and imagery and then a kind of dated tv movie feel. It's a mess. There probably is something to like, somewhere within that mess, maybe Kathleen Turner when she isn't wearing a blonde wig and metallic blue dress.

I'll have to disagree with you on the score as well, I thought it was one of the worst I've heard, kind of old porno grade stuff and I actually like 80s pop.

I think even Salvation! with Viggo Mortensen before he could act at all is better than Crimes of Passion.
Nice to see another fan of Whore. That one really went above most critics heads. Theresa Russell is really fantastic in that film and its her performance that a lot of people single out.

I'm willing to bet that clash of styles in Crimes of Passion was purely intentional on Russell's part. You're opinion of it certainty isn't uncommon, its one of his most polarizing films. Its one of those movies where there doesn't seem to be any grey area when it comes to what people think of it. That to me is a success.
Kind of, while I haven't specifically paid for sex, I've been in strip clubs and spoken to women that work in brothels, for example whilst waiting for someone who was getting their services.
Last night I got to watch 2001: A Space Odyssey at the Hollywood Bowl with the Los Angeles Philharmonic and Master Chorale playing along to the movie. It was absolutely stunning. The orchestra was on point. Whenever they played "Thus Spake Zarathustra," I got goosebumps. Amazing

:OMG: Epic.
The Holcroft Covenant

I don't understand why everyone hates this film. It's far better put together than most of Caine's British films, perhaps only comparable to the Ipcress File. Yes the support acting is lazy, but the story is very cool and Ludlum books aren't about amazing characters, they're about plots.
Dangerous Game (Abel Ferrara, 1993) - A misunderstood masterpiece and one of Ferrara's most brilliant and introspective films. Uncomfortably personal and confessional too, especially with Ferrara casting his wife at the time Nancy as Harvey Keitel's wife in the film. While Madonna is rightfully praised for her performance (she actually can act), the real unsung hero of the film is James Russo who's performance is so raw and fierce its a wonder he didn't spontaneously combust during filming. The tirades he goes off on are amazing. "I NEED THESE THINGS!" Amazing acting all around though. The script is one of Nicholas St. John's best, second only to The Addiction (1995) in the dialogue department.

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Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! (1965) - you could tell just by the title if this is something you'd watch. cheesy dialogue, outdated violence and big tits. it has a surprisingly dark atmosphere. check it out if you like Tarantino's Death Proof

French Connection II (1975) - didn't even know this existed until it popped up on netflix. decent movie. Popeye Doyle goes to france, gets addicted to heroine and kills the dude that got away in the first film
How did you like The Beyond? I think it's my favorite Italian horror flick..

From Beyond might be the best of that 'era' of Stuart Gordon adaptations too.
stuff i've watched the past few days:
they live
repo man
the beyond
from beyond
the evil dead
texas chainsaw massacre
Comfort food.

Here's something for the Videodrome fans:

Hypothetically speaking, lets say this commercial takes place within the Videodrome universe. Spectacular Optical somehow manages to bounce back after the incident at the trade show and Barry Convex's successor decides to branch out into the nasal department (Spectacular Smell?). Seeing as how they couldn't fully control Max Renn, they decide to take out those closest to him and poor Bridey is the first to test this new miracle anti-nasal congestion product. Sure she breathes better now, but at what cost?

And yes, if it wasn't painfully obvious I have nothing else going at the moment. Carry on.
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I find it nice to know I'm not the only big fan of videodrome. It got listed really high in this poll:

The 1980s List

01. Do the Right Thing (Spike Lee, 1989) 672/20(11)/2/+6
02. Blue Velvet (David Lynch, 1986) 608/19(8)/2/+3
03. Fanny and Alexander (Ingmar Bergman, 1982) 578/16(6)/1(x2)/-2
04. Sans soleil (Chris Marker, 1983) 525/17(5)/2(x2)/+19
05. Berlin Alexanderplatz (Rainer Werner Fassbinder, 1980) 515/14(6)/2(x2)/+7
06. Come and See (Elem Klimov, 1985) 462/14(6)/1/+3
07. Videodrome (David Cronenberg, 1983) 461/14(8)/2/+8
08. L'Argent (Robert Bresson, 1983) 436/13(4)/1/+6
09. Ran (Akira Kurosawa, 1985) 407/14(5)/1/-7
10. The Shining (Stanley Kubrick, 1980) 405/14(6)/1/-4
11. Raging Bull (Martin Scorsese, 1980) 402/13(7)/1/-7
12. My Neighbour Totoro (Hayao Miyazaki, 1988) 378/16(2)/5/+39
13. Wings of Desire (Wim Wenders, 1987) 374/11(4)/4/--
14. Paris, Texas (Wim Wenders, 1984) 344/13(2)/5(x2)/+6
15. Veronika Voss (Rainer Werner Fassbinder, 1982) 338/11(4)/5/-4
16. À nos amours (Maurice Pialat, 1983) 333/10(2)/3/+8
17. Grave of the Fireflies (Isao Takahata, 1988) 321/12(3)/1/+39
18. Terrorizers (Edward Yang, 1986) 295/9(2)/1/+47
19. The Elephant Man (David Lynch, 1980) 294/10(2)/1/+16
20. Dekalog (Krzysztof Kieślowski, 1988) 292/8(3)/2/-10
21. Blade Runner (Ridley Scott, 1982) 283/10(4)/7(x2)/-18
(tie) Alice (Jan Švankmajer, 1988) 283/11(3)/6/+21
23. The Thing (John Carpenter, 1982) 270/11(3)/5(x2)/+3
24. The King of Comedy (Martin Scorsese, 1983) 262/10(1)/2/-7
25. Fitzcarraldo (Werner Herzog, 1982) 260/11(2)/1/-17
26. Blow Out (Brian De Palma, 1981) 258/9(2)/2/+34
27. Possession (Andrzej Żuławski, 1981) 250/8(3)/2/+35
(tie) Stranger Than Paradise (Jim Jarmusch, 1984) 250/8(4)/3/+19
29. Love Streams (John Cassavetes, 1984) 248/7(3)/7(x2)/New
(tie) Brazil (Terry Gilliam, 1985) 248/10(3)/1/-1
31. The Purple Rose of Cairo (Woody Allen, 1985) 244/9(3)/2/+8
32. Where Is the Friend's Home? (Abbas Kiarostami, 1987) 239/10(2)/1/+59
33. Dead Ringers (David Cronenberg, 1988) 238/9(2)/9(x2)/-2
34. Heaven's Gate (Michael Cimino, 1980) 234/6(4)/1(x2)/+42
35. Broadcast News (James Brooks, 1987) 233/6(3)/4/+158
36. Black Rain (Shōhei Imamura, 1989) 232/8(2)/1/+9
(tie) The Sacrifice (Andrei Tarkovsky, 1986) 232/7(2)/3/-18
38. Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters (Paul Schrader, 1985) 225/9(3)/6/+12
39. Mauvais sang (Leos Carax, 1986) 222/6(3)/3/+65
(tie) City of Pirates (Raúl Ruiz, 1983) 222/6(2)/2/+62
41. Robocop (Paul Verhoeven, 1987) 217/8(1)/9/+74
(tie) Nostalghia (Andrei Tarkovsky, 1983) 217/10(1)/2/--
43. A City of Sadness (Hou Hsiao-hsien, 1989) 215/7(2)/6/+37
44. El sur (Víctor Erice, 1983) 211/7(1)/1/New
45. Le Pont du Nord (Jacques Rivette, 1981) 210/7(2)/3/+126
46. After Hours (Martin Scorsese, 1985) 202/8(2)/1/-7
(tie) Crimes and Misdemeanors (Woody Allen, 1989) 202/8(2)/2/-25
(tie) Raiders of the Lost Ark (Steven Spielberg, 1981) 202/9(1)/2/-14
49. Pee Wee's Big Adventure (Tim Burton, 1985) 201/6(3)/3/+160
50. Vagabond (Agnès Varda, 1985) 197/10(1)/5/-23
51. The Fly (David Cronenberg, 1986) 191/6(4)/1/+11
52. Superstar: The Karen Carpenter Story (Todd Haynes, 1987) 189/8/12/-19
53. Modern Romance (Albert Brooks, 1981) 185/6(3)/5/+71
54. Die Hard (John McTiernan, 1988) 184/8(2)/2/+54
55. Au revoir les enfants (Louis Malle, 1987) 183/6(3)/1/+21
(tie) The Right Stuff (Philip Kaufman, 1983) 183/7(3)/8(x2)/-36
57. Chameleon Street (Wendell Harris, 1989) 179/7(2)/7/+217
58. Broadway Danny Rose (Woody Allen, 1984) 177/5(2)/4/-21
59. Shoah (Claude Lanzmann, 1985) 174/7(3)/1(x2)/+71
(tie) Body Double (Brian De Palma, 1984) 174/6(2)/1/+51
(tie) The Ballad of Narayama (Shōhei Imamura, 1983) 174/8(1)/9/+26
62. This Is Spinal Tap (Rob Reiner, 1984) 168/7(2)/5/-16
63. They All Laughed (Peter Bogdanovich, 1981) 165/5(2)/1/+5
64. The Vanishing (George Sluizer, 1988) 163/7(2)/7/-6
65. Chocolat (Claire Denis, 1988) 161/4(2)/3/+77
66. The Asthenic Syndrome (Kira Muratova, 1989) 158/5(2)/8/+28
(tie) My Dinner with Andre (Louis Malle, 1981) 158/8(1)/3/-10
68. Sherman's March (Ross McElwee, 1986) 157/7(2)/2/-35
69. Amadeus (Miloš Forman, 1984) 152/6(2)/4/+27
70. Dimensions of Dialogue (Jan Švankmajer, 1982) 151/5/13/+90
71. Mystery Train (Jim Jarmusch, 1989) 149/4(2)/7/-4
72. Cinema Paradiso (Giuseppe Tornatore, 1988) 148/5(1)/3/+78
(tie) Landscape in the Mist (Theodoros Angelopoulos, 1988) 148/7(1)/8/-28
74. Comrades (Bill Douglas, 1986) 147/4(1)/5/+81
75. The Seventh Continent (Michael Haneke, 1989) 144/5(2)/8/+59
(tie) Blood Simple (Joel & Ethan Coen, 1984) 144/7(1)/4/-39
77. The Thin Blue Line (Errol Morris, 1988) 143/5(1)/6/-23
78. A Short Film About Love (Krzysztof Kieślowski, 1988) 141/5/13/+53
79. Yellow Earth (Chen Kaige, 1984) 136/4(2)/6/+132
80. Heimat (Edgar Reitz, 1984) 135/3(2)/2/+48
(tie) The Empire Strikes Back (Irvin Kershner, 1980) 135/6(1)/10/-14
82. Distant Voices, Still Lives (Terence Davies, 1988) 134/6(1)/2/-21
83. The Falls (Peter Greenaway, 1980) 133/3(2)/1/-1
(tie) Taipei Story (Edward Yang, 1985) 133/3(2)/3/New
(tie) The Last Temptation of Christ (Martin Scorsese, 1988) 133/5(1)/10/-2
86. Fire Festival (Mitsuo Yanagimachi, 1985) 132/4(1)/2/New
87. E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial (Steven Spielberg, 1982) 131/4(1)/2/+11
88. The Aviator's Wife (Éric Rohmer, 1981) 130/4(1)/2/-12
89. Stardust Memories (Woody Allen, 1980) 129/3(2)/6/-13
90. Full Metal Jacket (Stanley Kubrick, 1987) 127/8(1)/8/-68
91. Radio Days (Woody Allen, 1987) 126/9(1)/9/-22
92. Sex, Lies, and Videotape (Steven Soderbergh, 1989) 125/4(1)/3/+24
(tie) Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind (Hayao Miyazaki, 1984) 125/5(1)/8/New
94. Ms. 45 (Abel Ferrara, 1981) 124/3(1)/6/New
95. Thief (Michael Mann, 1981) 123/5/13/New
(tie) Hannah and Her Sisters (Woody Allen, 1986) 123/6/18/-57
97. Excalibur (John Boorman, 1981) 119/5(1)/1/+91
98. Manoël on the Island of Marvels (Raúl Ruiz, 1984) 117/4(2)/1/New
(tie) Johanna d'Arc of Mongolia (Ulrike Ottinger, 1989) 117/3(1)/1/New
(tie) House of Games (David Mamet, 1987) 117/5/13/-1
(tie) Body Heat (Lawrence Kasdan, 1981) 117/5/12/New

That's from criteronforum, you can't see that thread without registering.
So I just watched The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 and what the fuck was that? Leatherface attacking a steel door with a chainsaw and no sparks the first three times he does it... ARE YOU GOOD? His constant boogie fever chainsaw dance...

I'm pretty sure I saw someone behind the camera fucking with something in the corner of a shot at one point too.

Surely that outraged people when it was released? I love a shitfest and I laughed a couple times but wow I can't believe that movie actually happened...
I find it nice to know I'm not the only big fan of videodrome.
Its only one of the greatest sci-fi/horror films ever and a crown jewel in Cronenberg's filmography. I revisited it last week in fact and amazingly each time I see it there's always something new that manages to fuck with your interpretation of it. It also seems all the more frighteningly prophetic with each passing year.

It's an amazing Danish film about the life of a kindergarten teacher who is accused of pedophilia by a student of his and the tribulations that follow. Mads Mikkelesen acts his balls off. This film will make you seriously hate people. It got nominated for an Oscar, and deservedly so but i don't think it won. It's on Netflix, watch it, and thank me later. Seriously, what an amazing film.

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