The Official Movie Thread

I wouldn't say there's much going on in Harry Brown other than a kind of anti-chav exploitation, but I think it's decent enough. I think there kind of had to be a film like that anyway really, there are already a lot of films that show the "other side".
i like it. nothing special, and totally silly, just hits the spot. i found the script (and line readings) rly amusing, and that club scene kind of gorgeous, and i just love when these kindsa things have all this background mythology. plus its way of filming headshots is p cool.
i like it. nothing special, and totally silly, just hits the spot. i found the script (and line readings) rly amusing, and that club scene kind of gorgeous, and i just love when these kindsa things have all this background mythology. plus its way of filming headshots is p cool.

I just wish the main villain dude had more of a personality. Pretty cool that Theon Greyjoy is in it though!

I watched The Burning again last night. Great campy slasher with Jason Alexander possessing a full head of hair.
who doesn't love a bit of kinky spam?

For that reason alone?

idk, it might be the overarching reason. whole thing feels like a wish fulfillment fantasy for the cuntiest people in this country, its perspective is both obvious and kind of unpleasant. its vision of britain is embarrassing in its absurd faux-grittiness, and alongside that there's a layer of sentimentality that wouldn't be out of place in a shitty TV soap. the tone and writing just really rubbed me the wrong way *shrug* growing up in a tory area of britain prob contributes to this tho. got nothing against caine anyways, or DIRTY HARRY, or GRAN TORINO; it's not the vigilante stuff itself that bothers me.
If you weren't a pome do you think you'd like it? I know what you mean, being too close to the content makes it hard to buy, I've had that with Australian films.
If you weren't a pome do you think you'd like it? I know what you mean, being too close to the content makes it hard to buy, I've had that with Australian films.

I had the opposite experience of him, within the same country, living in a labour stronghold with a pretty hard core socialist father. I've also experienced kids from very rough backgrounds indicate disgust at the idea of america style "castle doctrine politics", usually specifically because it would force them to show respect to people physically weaker than them. So basically, I like the films premise because I know how shit the degenerate chav tribal subculture is and how no amount of romanticization, fetishism or excuses really help. It's good if grunting retards are forced to respect people who are less violent than them, because they are the kind of people that create everything that the retards use, every day of their lives.