The Official Movie Thread

The People Under the Stairs.
I've come to enjoy that movie over the years but it still kind of frustrates me. Given the subject matter it had the potential to be one Craven's darkest films yet it constantly pulls the rug out from underneath itself by being too jokey for its own good. Its entertaining for sure and I do enjoy its overall insane factor but every time I see it I'm always thinking of what could have been had Craven played it a bit more straight.
That one came with my copy of The Serpent and the Rainbow. I don't really like it much.
Serpent is fantastic and for some strange reason still seems to be under seen and underrated. Easily one of Craven's best. Pullman's hallucinations feature some of Craven's most arresting visuals, ie the corpse bride, the coffin being filled with blood, the soup! (those who've seen the film will know what I'm refereeing too), ect... Sure it might get a bit over the top with the light effects near the end but it hardly ruins what came before. There's some genuinely unsettling stuff in that film. The crying "corpse" in the beginning is goose bump inducing.
TSatR is my favorite Craven film. I think it's unsettling because what's depicted throughout most of the movie could be true. The ending is kinda hokie for sure but I was so ready to see the bad guy die by then I could forgive it. I feel like Craven kind of worked himself into the corner with a seemingly invincible villain and had to take away from the gritty real feel of the movie to bring him down.
Leviathan is a good film. In terms of foreign dramas, it's better than Blue is the Warmest Colour and a bit more interesting than
Saw the new star wars. Maybe it was because I'm still sick but my give a fuck meter was really low. It also felt really long and while I knew it was gna happen I hated how far the strayed from the books.
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The Serpent and The Rainbow, I'm pretty sure that's the voodoo drug one and it's been years since I've seen it. From memory I liked that one and I might try and watch it again soon.
No spoilers please.

I've heard mixed reactions myself, people praising it to no end and other people saying it was cringe-worthy and PC.

Still plan on seeing it soon anyway.