The Official Movie Thread

I've seen these movies in the theatres here (well, the movies come out later, so I'm rather behind...)

Deathproof. This movie is absolutely hilarious. Kurt Russell mowing down women in his car.... for absolutely no reason. I was pissing myself.

Stardust. It was cute. The ending was way too happy for my taste. Very predictable, but it was cute nonetheless. Made me think, "Ahhhhh, England.... :D" towards the end.

I'm trying to remember what else I've seen in a theatre, but I can't quite recall. I know there was another film...

I also had a lot of fun watching the Alien quadrilogy / Alien v. Predator over the past few weeks. I was amazed at how shitty Alien: Resurrection was. Alien3 pissed me off, just because I didn't like the whole premise for the film... but the face huggers are top class.
Alien vs. Predator was hilarious and satisfied on the coolness of aliens fighting predators. Not sure why they had humans in it though. Or dialogue.

Funniest part was the sexy "artic expert" giving them this big talk about how cold it is and how they would die if they went out without a coat and then at the end there is like a 20 minute scene where she is outside with only a tank top on
I was so upset when the hot, Italian, legend got killed saving that stupid women.


I was watching it with Mr. Bateman and I was holding on to him saying, "NO, NOT THE ITALIAN!!!! NOOOO!!!!!!!!". That dumb bitch. That dumb fucking bitch.

AvP2 is going to be amazing, though. City setting, which paves the way for so much collateral damage. The trailer shows a woman being impaled by an alien tale and then mutilated. Needless to say, it's going to be amazing.

I watched The Thing last night, which is also a great movie set in Antarctica... teeth coming out of stomachs. Yum.


Why would a movie rule if the dialogue, plot, and character development suck? Not to mention the entire changing of the alien & predator storylines.