The Official Movie Thread

you're definitely supposed to find her annoying and frustrating i think, but not to the point where you hate her too much to be invested in what's happening. it frames her in a way that demonstrates her disconnection from the world around her (especially on the extended cut - and keep in mind the reason this movie was in limbo forever is because he was trying to get studios to accept a 5+ hour version lol) and it's clearly critical of her solipsism, but something i like about lonergan is he can be critical without it feeling like he doesn't care about his characters. same goes for MANCHESTER, there's some level of empathy toward affleck's character that he wants the audience to share in, but that doesn't mean he's willing to give him some unrealistic redemption or life lesson like so many indie filmmakers do, anything positive is hard earned and probably compromised in some way, and he's still for the most part an irresponsible emotionally repressed asshole at the end of the film.
i watched the 3 hr one from your recommendation

I think her vendetta against Ruffalo because only she feels guilty aims to make her incredibly unlikeable..and how strange is the similarity between her character here and 25th Hour?

I definitely liked it and even though the dialogue was not my style at all, progressed smoothly throughout.
i never really got the 9-11 thing except for the one scene where Norton is talking to us/himself in the mirror..seemed much more obvious in Margaret
Went to see Logan on the weekend, that movie was actually way better than I was expecting. It def was a fitting conclusion to Hugh Jackman as Wolverine and Patrick Stewart as Charles Xavier. And the fight scenes were brutal as hell and it was awesome!
i like the background mythologising mostly, i'm looking forward to the sequel 'cause i've heard it has more of that. also it's just generally fun, lots of great line readings 'n shit. wouldn't come close to my top 50 of all time or anything though.
i need to rewatch blue velvet, still only seen it once and that was right after watching twin peaks s1, which probably stopped it from standing out as much as it otherwise would've.

Fucking beautiful.