The Official Movie Thread

all that garbage youve rated on RYM and only seen blue velvet once!? world is falling apart

i don't watch many of my favourite movies over and over like comfort food tbh. especially not the intense stuff, i guess i like it to be half-forgotten when i go back to it.

i probably have seen too much garbage though you're not wrong
Must-hear epic interview with Richard Stanley:

Talking Hardware, especially a lot of behind the scenes stories, the corporate bullshit that derailed Dust Devil, Dr. Moreau, how Harvey Weinstein is a piece of shit (we all knew that already but nevertheless...), fighting in the Afghan/Russia war and a variety of other fascinating topics. Sadly there's a bit of Trump related nonsense in there too, which just goes to show that even the most brilliant are susceptible to fear mongering but thankfully is brief. Hopefully he'll get Color Out of Space made in this lifetime.
Get Out was awesome, fucking loved it, thrilling/intense at times and and uproariously hilarious at others. That is how you do racial themes in a movie

Beauty and the Beast however had nice singing and pretty graphics but there were too many shoehorned-in black character race-switches I was shaking my head at its ridiculousness in the cinema. They were white in the cartoon, keep them white!
ERASERHEAD is fucking 40. Eraserhead: the true story behind David Lynch's surreal shocker


Also, here's two third wave feminists talking about the original I Spit on Your Grave and Elle. All the basics are covered, rape culture, patriarchy, white cis privilege checking, ect... Listen at your own risk.
RIP Tomas Milan. A brilliant actor who could play heavies like no other. I have a hard time deciding which is better, his role in Almost Human or Four of the Apocalypse. Both really showcased his range with his character in the former a raving lunatic while in the later he was a more subdued psychopath yet both were equally terrifying. He was terrific in Ferrara's Cat Chaser too.

In much better news, albeit nearly two months old by now, Polanski's upcoming Based on a True Story with Eva Green has secured North American distribution:

So there's a new Beauty and the Beast out? Eh, watch the Czech version instead:


I briefly talked about this movie in the Comics thread and I watched it today (for the second time, mind you) with a friend on Blu-Ray. What did you guys think of it? I've never seen any of you talk about it so I thought I'd ask.

I thought it was quite bland. I still think it is even upon a second viewing. At no point did I find myself having fun when I watched it because every part of it seemed to be written by a committee. Nothing really surprised me in the sense that it exhilarated me or made me want to know more. If anything, the things that left me in utter disbelief were things like the fact that they were actually recycling the superweapon trope again, that the most anticipated part of the film (the New Republic) basically gets blown up unceremoniously, that they took Finn's fantastic character concept and wasted it, etc. Honestly, this was probably one of the biggest cinematic disappointments I've ever experienced and a repeat viewing basically cemented that. I had not seen this movie for more than a year since my initial viewing of it in 2015 and I still found it to be embarassing.
i found aspects of it pretty lame, but i do stand by what i wrote at the time:
the franchise--and its familiar but reconfigured or time-worn characters--each understand that before pursuing the future they desire, they must first recapture a lost past. this isn't a new star wars film, then, but a collective search for and rummage through the old mythology, in the hope of reestablishing that space onto which we once collectively projected our dreams of a new star wars. it's a clumsy but resonant film about wonder, possibility, BELIEF. and that final shot... that's religion.

basically i think it's good if you accept it as an affecting riff on the original and its place in our collective consciousness, but not so good if you just want an awesome new star wars film. i'm a lot more excited about the idea of a great new star wars saga than i was before i watched it, which i think was part of that film's purpose (to collectively cleanse everyone's palette of the prequels), but the jury's still out on whether they can pull it off, and i think the second film needs to be where this new trilogy comes into its own and properly distinguishes itself from the originals.

(i still haven't seen rogue one btw)
I loved it. There's no theater where I live so I was only able to see it after it came out on bluray and I'd had every single plot point spoiled for me but I still loved it. I loved the reverence it had for the original trilogy, most evident in the buildup to the reappearance of Luke, I found it surprisingly visually gorgeous especially considering I've never liked Abrams as a director, I think Kylo Ren is a fucking fantastic villain, etc. I'd have to watch it again to truly pin down everything I liked about it. I did have some issues with it, notably the new characters aside from Kylo haven't really made a strong impression yet, and I didn't like that they rehashed the plotline from IV so blatantly. But on the whole, I loved it.
I feel like I saw someone mention it here but can't find it now. Train to Busan is fucking fantastic. Music is great, zombies are some of the most threatening since 28 days... and they throw so much sadness at you I personally wasn't prepared for it in a zombie movie. Threatening to give you that Night of the Living Dead ending also had me nearly yelling at my tv.
i found aspects of it pretty lame, but i do stand by what i wrote at the time:
the franchise--and its familiar but reconfigured or time-worn characters--each understand that before pursuing the future they desire, they must first recapture a lost past. this isn't a new star wars film, then, but a collective search for and rummage through the old mythology, in the hope of reestablishing that space onto which we once collectively projected our dreams of a new star wars. it's a clumsy but resonant film about wonder, possibility, BELIEF. and that final shot... that's religion.

This is awesome--really good writing, and hits the nail on the head, I think.
Prime example of art critics giving Hollywood types way too much credit than they deserve. Like writing a storyline with characters of non existent histories is worthy of praise.