The Official Movie Thread

i think feminist themes are pretty central to the movie myself, present in the majority of scenes in some way even when they aren't clearly explicated, but either way i'm fine with that when it's subtle. i just don't like the more obvious surface-level stuff that's pretty numerous in the script, with men endlessly hitting on her, patronising her, marginalising her etc (the irony being that hannibal actually treats her with the most respect and is therefore who she's most drawn to) - it's a little corny and contrived at its worst. then again i find the whole thing a bit corny nowadays i suppose, that's my main mark against it, although not as much as my dad who despises hopkins' cannibalising of the scenery and swears by MANHUNTER heh. thankfully the nuanced way foster performs that role sells most of the interactions to me even when the script is bordering on cartoonish, and i still really like it, it's probably an 8/10 for me or something.

i never loved the TV show either 'cause it's just too alienating, but i do admire it a lot, i like that it feels like it was made by psychopaths for psychopaths. the way it's written and visualised feels very narcissistic and calculated to me in a way i'd probably hate in another context, but it works pretty great ror
that material.

Ended up watching the first episode of Hannibal and thought it was pretty good and much like you described. Gonna have to keep watching
Been in the movie watching habit for the first time in years lately. Here's a few on my to-watch/rewatch list which I hope to find others like if anyone has ideas:
  • Inland Empire
  • The Manchurian Candidate
  • The Imitation Game
  • Eraserhead
  • Altered States
  • The Dark Knight
Basically the themes/genres I'm after are trippy psychological thrillers, dark surrealism, and govt conspiracy plots.

SECONDS is by the same director as THE MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE but even better IMO, and has some similar themes. THE PARALLAX VIEW is another classic in that department. BLOW OUT, NIGHT MOVES and THE CONVERSATION aren't exactly govt conspiracy stuff but they share that '70s paranoia. i think COMBAT SHOCK is a good recommendation for ERASERHEAD fans, not sure if that's just me though. you'd probably like cronenberg stuff like DEAD RINGERS and THE FLY.
Hannibal (the show) had a nice mix of police procedural and Scandinavian noir. It was fucking dark, and yielded very little to viewers in the way of narrative satisfaction. Definitely a challenging show.
Watched my first Hammer film yesterday ...

really looking forward to the next one.
Took a small trip to Jamaica and read the book Beasts of No Nation. Just finished watching the movie on Netflix and it was really good. They changed up a lot of stuff and made it more specific. The book was general but the movie added an additional layer to some of the characters stories and why they did the things they did. Anyways, I thought it was a good movie and book. A heavy hitter though. My soul is crushed
Watched the first Death Wish movie yesterday because of this thread. Don't know if I have an opinion, it's what it is. I'll check out the second soon.