The Official Movie Thread

Nah, the overwhelming majority of the entire film was terrible. I almost switched the movie off about 40 minutes in.

Prometheus by contrast was like a breath of fresh air. @RadicalThrasher beware, only pick up Alien: Covenant if it is super cheap, Michael Fassbender is brilliant but that's really about it.

Ridley Scott should retire and whichever team did the CGI for the xenomorphs (especially the "baby golem alien" ones should collectively kill themselves, at times it felt like a real bad SyFy original).

So happy I only wasted $3 on that abomination lmao.
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Haven't seen Covenant, but Prometheus is a good film that's semi-ruined by implausible character choices and dialogue, topped of by a really whiny, immature denouement: "Why do you hate us???" So pathetic. I recorded some of my thoughts after first watching Prometheus here:

you seen marjorie prime yet @Einherjar86? i think you'd like it, idea-driven high-concept sci-fi.

I have not, but it's on my list, looks really good. You approve, I take it?
yeah, i really like what i've seen of almereyda in general. this one's basically a riff on LAST YEAR AT MARIENBAD, it reminded me a bit of soderbergh's SOLARIS remake if you've seen that (i recommend it if not).
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Just watched Rec and really liked it. It’s the original Quarantine. Currently rewatching A Tale of Two Sisters. I remember watching this before and was a bit confused. Apparently I just don’t remember this movie or was confused by it since it’s like I’m watching it for the first time.

Also, I’m stealing some of these recommendations thrown in this thread. Lol
Lost my internet Connection yesterday, so i saw a old DVD i bought several years ago but never watched. Eden Lake. Damn good Movie, but cant remember ever watching a Movie that made me so mad.........i recommend it.

Piano Teacher was pretty good. Thought i heard it was more Elle but I can say it wasn't. Worth watching.

Pretty cool frenchie flick, probably two of the coolest death sequences i've seen lately. Recommend more than Piano Teacher.

Finished the new Blade Runner the other night too and thought it was better than the original but just feels like they could do more with replicant-ness and humanity than they have in both flicks
‘Dune’ Remake Will Be “Star Wars For Adults,” Says Denis Villeneuve.
Denis Villeneuve may not have gotten the call yet from Disney and Lucasfilm to direct a Star Wars movie, but he can make his own — in the form of his Dune remake.

Dune is Frank Herbert’s seminal science-fiction novel published in 1965, years before the first Star Wars film came out in 1977. In fact, Star Wars director George Lucas has acknowledged the influence that Dune had on early drafts of A New Hope, so it’s fitting that Villeneuve may bring it full circle.
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ENEMY is cool but nothing like his other stuff really, reference points would be stuff like VERTIGO, EYES WIDE SHUT, THE TENANT and cronenberg's SPIDER. INCENDIES literally has a war montage set to radiohead if i remember rightly. haven't seen POLYTECHNIQUE.

my villeneuve ranking would be something like:
1) enemy 7.5/10
2) sicario 7/10
3) arrival 7/10
4) blade runner 2049 6.5/10
5) prisoners 2/10
6) incendies 2/10
7) maelstrom 2/10
I saw Geostorm the other day. While it isn't a GREAT movie, I was decently entertained for a couple of hours.
If there's one word that describes Sicario, it's anti-climactic. It's a bit of a realistic drag... a week in the life of an FBI agent not enjoying her job. Gimme Julianne Moore in Hannibal instead.