The Official Movie Thread


I thought this was in reference to me saying I was being a contrarian douche to mine some salty responses, but now I've found out that a bunch of you rats send my posts to Omni and get her to use them to attack me here. No wonder you're the type to waste money and fly to another country to meet a woman, you're a fucking wimp with no spine. :lol:

I used to think TechBarb was crazy when he said users would conspire against him here but it just turns out that a shitload of users here are fucking pussies.


Also Omni is either a passive-aggressive two-faced fake friend who is lying and using users here to protect herself or:


Either way, you're a bunch of fucking cowards whoever is behind this stuff. You know who you are.
lmao i was the one who mentioned it to her 'cause it fed into her whole 'you're all over the place' thing, but it wasn't so she'd 'do my dirty work'. she just volunteered because she's, and i quote, "been pretty cunty lately". you actually interpreted the gif correctly (hence why i quoted that part of the post), but i get why omni would think i meant it that way in retrospect lol

nice to see you literally transform into TB before our very eyes anyways, i've been missing him
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He blocked me on Facebook but not before replying multiple times after claiming that he wouldn't and I'm totally fine with this outcome. He accused me of being a manipulative sociopath because I like to maintain privacy for personal reasons.
nice to see you literally transform into TB before our very eyes anyways, i've been missing him

Insulting you over being a pussy is being TechBarb? Reaching a bit there, especially considering I have Omni literally telling me (without prompting her to do so btw) it happens often and other users are involved. I didn't just pluck it out of my ass like TechBarb often did.

If anybody has a problem with me they should be direct, rather than being a behind the scenes piece of shit. Is that really so much to ask for from people I thought I got along with?

He blocked me on Facebook but not before replying multiple times after claiming that he wouldn't and I'm totally fine with this outcome.

I blocked you so I'd get the last word on Facebook and clearly it had the intended effect because here you are, all buttrammed over it.
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i don't have a problem with anyone (never reported a regular's post for the record lol), my friendliness with people is sincere and these dramas don't mean much to me beyond some comedy value. i'm not gonna give a shit if you degenerates talk about me behind my back either, what does it matter? it doesn't even typically bother me IRL given that i'm not in, like, a gang or crime syndicate where it actually has consequences--even less so on the internet. not really sure if that indifference makes me a sociopath, a beta or means i have my priorities straight, take your pick. there's nothing malevolent in it though

my first few years here i posted more inconsistent opinions and poseur bullshit than you or probably anyone else here ever will, so it's not like i have any room to talk on that front anyway haha
First it's a bunch of people reporting words without saying anything in the open to anybody, now its a bunch of spineless users channeling their douchiness through the local cuntduit as a way to try to shit on me.

The reasons to remain here are shrinking rapidly. :lol:
Maybe you should just stop spreading yourself so thin by posting so much and then you'll have actual consistent opinions that you can keep track of.
I don't agree that I'm inconsistent but why would that justify the pathetic and passive-aggressive two-faced actions of friend-collecting worms like yourself?

See I wouldn't mind if people slammed me here, but when I log in at work in the morning and see you trying to shit on me, and then I go to Facebook and you're privately messaging me, acting totally different, explaining how someone put you up to it or whatever, it becomes a whole different thing.

You're one of the phoniest people I've ever met and I've met a lot of typical white women like yourself.
I stated in our Messenger conversation, which you were nice enough to post for me as evidence that supports my consistency, that I feel like what I said was valid. I said this before you even replied. Your personal tendency to get butthurt doesn't make me inconsistent.

I get that you wanted your own personal gotcha moment as retaliation, but the fact that you posted our Messenger discussion here confirms that I kept you at the right level of acquaintance.

Unlike you, I am actually done replying when I say that I am, which is now.
I stated in our Messenger conversation, which you were nice enough to post for me as evidence that supports my consistency, that I feel like what I said was valid. I said this before you even replied. Your personal tendency to get butthurt doesn't make me inconsistent.

Why do you always state these things in private and not in here? Because you're playing little dishonest cunty games and now I'm calling you out on it. :rofl:

I get that you wanted your own personal gotcha moment as retaliation, but the fact that you posted our Messenger discussion here confirms that I kept you at the right level of acquaintance.

This really hurts. I was so desperate to be close friends with an anonymous corporate dickhead on the Internet.

What a loss, shucks.

Unlike you, I am actually done replying when I say that I am, which is now.

No worries, I look forward to you relaying messages to me through someone on this site like a complete dummy.
So if I may end the derailment...

I just saw The Blair Witch Project for the first time, wanted to share my thoughts:

I totally get the controversy over it, given how obnoxiously unpolished it is. Still, I have a lot of respect for the "found footage" concept it supposedly introduced to the world. I also thought there was something brilliant about Heather Donahue's performance when I noticed her screen presence transform from that of a confident young woman chasing a dream to that of a terrified little girl.

There's something almost universal about that dream too, the way the "random kids running amok with cameras and cool video idea" thing managed to foresee the YouTube phenomenon. It does a good job tapping into the zeitgeist of media democratization that defined the millennial generation.

I've developed a rather mystical attitude toward the 1998-99 period of film releases. Shit just got so much more modern in those years, and not just because of the CGI in The Matrix - it's like witnessing a big bang event where the Internet global consciousness explodes on screen out of nowhere.
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That's some solid cultural critique. Just to expand a little bit, some cultural/media theorists have noted the weird reversal that happens around that time, which includes the media coverage of 9/11: images streaming all over television screens and the internet, and the level of violence resembled classic disaster films. Slavoj Zizek writes that most people experienced 9/11 not as an actual attack, but a media event reminiscent of Hollywood spectacles. Reality gets absorbed into virtual representations, a premise that had already found its way into films like The Matrix and The Thirteenth Floor.

Obviously this premise isn't entirely original (I'm thinking of older movies like Videodrome), but I think you're right that there's something to the power of its popularity at the end of the twentieth century.
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i've always been a fan. the sequel was set up to potentially be this deceptively complex meta-horror littered with commentary on the original film inc. some of the themes you highlight, but the studio predictably butchered it beyond recognition and we got something that just felt divorced from the original instead (not to mention a generally ridiculous movie). there's supposedly a director's cut that i'm hoping will one day get a release.
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Blair Witch also benefited from a brilliant marketing campaign which the internet played a huge part in. Plus enough time had passed since Cannibal Holocaust, really the first film to use the "found footage" concept as well as sell the film as authentic, even going so far as having the actors sign contracts agreeing to stay out of pubic for an entire year to really work the gimmick. Now the makers of Blair Witch never wound up on trial but that's another story...
Did not care for the original Blair Witch, 2nd one The Book of Shadows was good, it was an actual movie with a plot and what not. Don't normally care for Re-makes, but the remake of John Carepenter's Assault on Precinct 13 is worth watching, good cast.