The Official Movie Thread

I ain't got time to bleed


Yeah but I'm perplexed.

I made some remarks earlier about Natalie Portman having a lip surgery, and now I'm not so sure.

Has she had a lip surgery or not? Does anyone know? Yes? No?

Maybe she had lip and face surgery and then recorrected the problem with surgery so her face looked like it did prior to when she had surgery. Maybe 5,10 years ago her face looked a certain way prior
Black Panther was cool.
Not crazy good or anything.
the character of black panther being so freaking prominent in Captain America Civil War resulted in the black panther movie and the Civil War movie both making way the fuck more money than either one would have made if the studio had just made Civil War movie exactly follow the comics followed by a black panther movie

iron man 3 made it's money back and a profit before USA even got to see the movie
then when USA audiences said the movie sucked,
the studio used that as their excuse for not making an iron man 4
which freed up studio time for making movies that aren't focused on iron man

then iron man kinda became the main character of spiderman homecoming to get the fans of robert downey jr's version of tony stark to see a spiderman film with an complete unknown playing peter parker, completely ignoring the fans of the spiderman comics and also ignoring the people that wanted to see andrew garfield in the MCU

disney is straight up choosing to make money over making good movies
went and checked out A Quiet Place last night. Thought the premise was cool and the beginning of the movie started real well. But the point of making a we made it while 95%+ others didn't coupled with an hour of holy shit they are the dumbest people alive just ruined it
thinking about making the jump to blu-ray...wish I didn't spent 20-30 on some of those low quality ones :lol:
Its weird how the prices on some of those fluctuate years after the initial releases. Some of the old Anchor Bay Argento and Fulci's are still out there for decent prices while others command ridiculous dollar figures. I haven't looked lately, but that particular release of All the Colors of the Dark was going for around $90 USED!
Noticed some horror stuff, been watching that shit for ages, have a decent collection of stuff, been watching that movie Day of The Dead on and off and went into this dollar store to get some cleaning shit and there was one copy left of a collector's edition for 3 dollars, i almost fuckin pissed.
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Need a good movie to watch with the old man and bro tonight, any suggestions? I was thinking of renting either Baby Driver or Annihilation. Just something entertaining will do. I've been bombing picking movies lately, made them watch Neon Demon last month and they wanted to kill me lol
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