The Official Movie Thread

Last Night:

Always liked Friday 2 even though it borrows a lot from Bay of Blood.

See No Evil rules for the most part though the direction gets a bit too music videoy in parts. Greg Dark is a genius but he'd been doing music videos for so long by the time he made See No Evil it was inevitable that style would creep it. Still, fucking Kane chokeslams someone to death in it and the whole thing just has a dirty feeling to it.
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Is that from Revenge of the Ninja?
yeah i think it is. Don't think i've seen that one. Recently i've been looking for an old school ninja movie that i had recorded and watched a bunch of timers when i was a kid and think i found it ....

almost sure this is the one. I remember a part where one of the ninjas does this hand thing and drills into the ground :lol:
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yeah i think it is. Don't think i've seen that one. Recently i've been looking for an old school ninja movie that i had recorded and watched a bunch opf timers when i was a kid and think it i found it ....

almost sure this is the one. I remember a part where one of the ninjas does this hand thing and drills into the ground :lol:

Don't know if its the movie you're looking for, but ninja 3 is one of the greatest wtf movies. You need to see it! The whole opening chase scene with the cops is mind blowing!
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Don't know if its the movie you're looking for, but ninja 3 is one of the greatest wtf movies. You need to see it
... watched a few clips and im almost sure that's the one. But i did watch a bunch of ninja movies when i was a kid though. Was there one that had like a yellow ninja(not Mortal Kombat)? For some reason i keep thinking of a yellow ninja.
Yeah that's the 3rd film in the trilogy of films that includes Revenge of the Ninja. Sho Kosugi fucking rules, I haven't seen that 3rd one but I've seen the first 2. Wasn't a huge fan of the first film but the second where Franco Nero relinquishes the lead role to Sho Kosugi fucking slays, the final ninja vs ninja fight scene is so god damn epic.

Probably won't watch it because why spoil the best scene for yourself, but this scene simultaneously is the best case for ever checking out Revenge of the Ninja:

Edit: yep, just realised your ninja gif is from this exact scene.

3rd one is the best, or at least my favorite. Beyond over the top, ridiculous, and just awesome.

I've been trying to track that down in the wild for awhile now!

One of my favourite ever cinema ninjas is from Heroes of the East with Gordon Liu, a very underrated film he did after The 36th Chamber of Shaolin. In this one he marries a Japanese woman and insults her national pride so all her Japanese friends and masters back home travel to China to kick his ass and he has to adapt to each opponent's style, the final guy being a fucking ninjitsu master.

Yasuaki Kurata rules man, fucking crab style!
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