The Official Movie Thread

Do you actually know that the word Nazi has its roots in the Bible? (Old Testament) Somewhere in Shmot(Exodus), if I'm not mistaken.That's how God called the Jews after becoming weary of their incessant complaints about being deprived of the food that they had in Egypt.
Do you actually know that the word Nazi has its roots in the Bible? (Old Testament) Somewhere in Shmot(Exodus), if I'm not mistaken.That's how God called the Jews after becoming weary of their incessant complaints about being deprived of the food that they had in Egypt.

I was under the impression that Nazi meant Nationalist Socialist. :rolleyes:
That's a modern interpretation of it. I'll see if I can find the specific quote that refers to it, but it's only apparent from the original,Hebrew version. He calls them minaazai, which is an ancient word for "despise." Basically, he accuses them of despising him because they don't have faith in his abilities to provide them with everything that they need in order to survive in the desert.

It's quite a provocative, esoteric translation which was forbidden to be taught in Bible lessons, but kabbalists seem to believe that that's where the word "nazi" originated.
You never know. Hitler might've picked it up from some guy who divulged to him the secrets of the Torah. Or maybe he himself was interested in Jewish mysticism, to some extent.
The Hebrew word itself for Nazi is spelled out exactly like it appears in that section of the Bible.
Never mind that. Don't want this to develop into an awkward topic. :erk:
That's a modern interpretation of it. I'll see if I can find the specific quote that refers to it, but it's only apparent from the original,Hebrew version. He calls them minaazai, which is an ancient word for "despise." Basically, he accuses them of despising him because they don't have faith in his abilities to provide them with everything that they need in order to survive in the desert.

It's quite a provocative, esoteric translation which was forbidden to be taught in Bible lessons, but kabbalists seem to believe that that's where the word "nazi" originated.

No that's the actual interpretation of it. From Wikipedia:
"The term Nazi is derived from the first two syllables of Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, the official German language name of the National Socialist German Workers Party (commonly known in English as the Nazi Party)".
Sounds like you've been reading too much Kabbalah BS.
well, i dont have a bike. but i'll buy one just so i can put a basket and streamers on the handlebars.

or just paint "pussy" on the side of my car in big pink letters
Few movies I've seen recently:

Days of Heaven: Possible the most visually beautiful film ever? Every shot is stunning, though I'm not too sure what the thing was about.

Adaptation: really clever film, lots of layers to it and it's funny too. Nicholas Cage is actually a decent actor.

Mad Max: Seen it before and thought it was action crap but I found it more interesting this time. Basically no plot but it's got a certain wild charm to it, similar to the old westerns.

THX1138: Mostly boring.
Anybody watch The Wizard of Oz yesterday? I know it's a tradition among many families (not mine) to watch it on Thanksgiving, especially since it's always on some channel.
American Gangster Scott, 2007
Family, or moral integrity? Roberts sacrifices the former for the latter, whilst Lucas doesn't acknowledge a distinction. If setting someone on fire pays your mother's bills, why not? But is such excessive wealth really benefitting anybody? Replace wealth with this so-called moral integrity, ask the same question. In the Godfather/Scorsese tradition the hero/villain divide is thus unusually hazy, developing along the way to a satisfying climax. Watch if only to see Washington at his most charismatic.
Anybody watch The Wizard of Oz yesterday? I know it's a tradition among many families (not mine) to watch it on Thanksgiving, especially since it's always on some channel.

The last time I watched that was to experience the Pink Floyd shit in person. Damn freaky.

Anyway, I don't like The Wizard of Oz very much. Has anyone seen the sequel of it, Return to Oz? I was little when I first saw that and it freaked me the fuck out :ill: