The Official Movie Thread

pans labyrinth is cool but really fucking overrated


Nostalghia Tarkovsky, 1983
Of all directors, it may be Tarkovsky alone whose works stand amongst the greats of literature. Perhaps most of us will never understand his films, perhaps he is right that art is untranslatable, but the viewing experience is so viscerally spiritual that - understood or not - it stays with you forever.


The Passenger Antonioni, 1975
Just fucking brilliant, in every way. Nicholson's best performance and maybe even his most interesting character. The story is mysterious and ingenius, the cinematography full of class, Schneider's gorgeous and the ending shot is a majestic tour de force.

Finding Nemo Pixar Studios, 2003
Chaw is right to call it a dark fairy tale, old themes are given new power by the humbling insignificance and alien horror that the great deep brings. Like the comically macabre dentist Pixar chafe away the dirt and rot to reveal that pulse which all truly great childhood movies have at their centre; the wonder and immersion of the greatest Disney flicks we spend our whole lives yearning to recapture.
i tried watching versus last night, and this morning. i feel asleep both times. i dont know why, cuz i love the movie. ive just been really sleepy lately. maybe i caught somthing while playing football in the snow a few days ago.
I finally got round to watching 'Following' today. Very enjoyable. Acting was excellent, cinematography was decent enough and the idea of mixing the order of scenes worked brilliantly, I felt a bit let down by the ending though, which seemed overelaborate and forced. Gets an 8/10 from me.
It's just interesting to watch Christopher Nolan's progression from Following to Memento and to compare the two (since they both utilize the same cutup technique)
Unknown, is there a chance in hell you are going to watch INLAND EMPIRE soon?

I know I might get shit here, but Forest Gump is fucking kvlt as hell. Great movie.

Anyways, aside from my deep love of Interpol's music I have to say that I do find their music videos always to be of high end value. I think most film buffs will enjoy this video. BTW I am not trying to force feed you guys Interpol, okay? Good.

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On the Waterfront Kazan, 1954
Ultimately serves as little more than a failed vehicle for the expulsion of Kazan's own demons - indeed the story strays into the realms of the ridiculous, of imagined moral high grounds, supervillains and utopic conveniences, seemingly just to help him sleep at night. The protagonist only finally acts out of a less than dignified lust for vengeance, and besides, what glory or redemption is there in liberating a bunch of workers this cowardly? Still, on the plus side the acting's as great as the score is bad, and that's no mean feat.
i don't think it would be an exaggeration to say that forrest gump is one of the worst movies ever made

and shut the fuck up about no country for old men right now :mad:
I just figured I should say it because it hasn't been said in a while and I remembered because I just watched it the other other day, but Children Of Men was absolutely fucking awesome and if you didn't love it then fuck you.