no country for old wainds
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- Nov 23, 2002
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I'm disappointed to hear Derrickson is no longer attached to the project, though. He did such a great job with the first film and apparently had some wild ideas for the sequel, wanting to make it an outright horror film. If he was let go over creative differences, that has me worried the sequel is going to be neutered.
Surprised he loves Zodiac since Memories is a considerably better movie depicting a very similar thing
not what I or he said killer..and of course directors would be expected to have an ego towards their work versus others ?How many directors would rather watch their own film over someone else's?
and of course directors would be expected to have an ego towards their work versus others ?
not what I or he said killer..and of course directors would be expected to have an ego towards their work versus others ?
This leads me to believe that you actually know next to nothing about Bong Joon Ho. And he clearly has better tastes in film than you do.
your question at the end here is kind of obvious, Memories could have lowered it's reach like Zodiac, but it didnt.How fucking stupid are you dude? Jesus.What I'm saying is, directing a better version of what Fincher did, before Fincher did it, isn't necessarily something that would turn the director off because unlike us, we don't watch both films and compare them like you're implying he should. Directors generally don't sit around watching their own shit, so of course they're not going to dislike a film because they directed a better version of it.
The context of the list is his favourite films, why would his ego about his own films even come into play? This is such basic shit I can't believe I have to point it out to you. Wow haha.
it does! That was the one that popped off the mostThat movie he listed called Cure sounds awesome.
I don't read his interviews , but I laugh that you're Boong guy after you just heard about him this year after seeing your first good movie in a long time!
Zodiac , while he praises it for it's pacing, could never accomplish what Memories or Mother has. And that's why Zodiac is second rate.and surprises me that he loves it as a top10.
That movie he listed called Cure sounds awesome.
it does! That was the one that popped off the most
lot of asian stuff i've never heard of on that list, will have to inch towards that one day.yeah it's good. i listed it for '97, didn't quite make my top ten but that was an insanely great year in fairness. like bong i recall also using some kind of 'trickle'-esque descriptor because it's relevant to the movie lol. k kurosawa's films don't always have the most coherent writing but he's one of the best modern directors IMO, nobody uses a camera quite the way he does. i like pulse a little more than cure personally but those are his two most acclaimed, along with tokyo sonata which i haven't seen yet.