The Official Movie Thread

i prefer his early stuff too but the later stuff is just different in degree rather than kind IMO, his style just evolved/purified. i struggle with some later ones myself but i really don’t agree with the ‘pretentious’ criticism, he might actually be the least pretentious filmmaker there is; the definitive quality of his style is humility and lack of ego and his movies have become less and less condescending.

anyways, i think this piece is outstanding and understands his work better than anything else i’ve read:
Probably shouldn't click that link until I've seen a few more of his films. Badlands was great, can't wait to get on to The New World and The Tree of Life eventually, then that'll be everything by him I have access to.
that article was written when he’d only made four films, so you’ll be fine reading it after you see the new world. i think it’s interesting to see his newer films in light of that article too, helped me to understand where he was coming from with them. not sure if you’re aware but he’s made a whole five more movies since the tree of life lol, dude more than doubled his filmography size this decade.
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I went and saw 1917. Didn't expect much because I'm not a big fan of oscar-baity sentimental world war films and the people I follow on criticker have been pretty lukewarm toward it, but I thought I'd see it anyway because I've never really seen an overblown war epic on the big screen. Surprised to say I kind of loved it. I like how most of the movie is just two guys trudging through the detritus of war rather than participating in actual combat, struggling against environmental obstacles more than German soldiers. The whole nightfall sequence was about as jaw-droppingly gorgeous as the Blind Guardian song "Nightfall". It got a little cornball at times but not in a way that seriously rubbed me wrong. I'd put it in the pantheon of great (Great) war movies for sure.
ugh i suppose i should see it before making my 2019 list

Two brave UM posters are on their way to warn you that you're walking into a trap, but they'll have to traverse the entire "The Philosopher" subforum to reach you.

Another unexpectedly great movie I saw this week was Color Out of Space. It's a little messy but I loved how it discarded any attempt at subtlety and just went for garish vfx vomit. Made me think of a more low-brow Annihilation in some ways, or the works of Junji Ito (although that's overselling the film's visual creativity a great deal, it is to its credit that the association came to my mind at all.) This has been a great year for movies.
not sure how well this fits into your analogy but let me remind you i co-created the 'the philosopher' forum

color out of space is totally a 2020 movie btw :suspicious:
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Ah, you're right. I didn't bother checking the release date beyond what criticker has in parenthesis. Oh well, wouldn't make my 2019 list anyway because my 2019 list is FIRE.
ugh i suppose i should see it before making my 2019 list
shouldn't, its a bad saving Private Ryan (not band of bros)

don't be a bitch, Ein. this forum is half dead without Cig posting every thought anyways
I said that the Kims clearly think it will
they barely talk about :lol: this is such an overreaction to justify your position

The film suggests that the Kims are part of a perpetual underclass that's systematically kept down.
this isn't able to be backed up with a convincing argument. The film clearly argues they cannot escape the "stench" of once being poor, but they are not systematically kept down or "unable to ascend" or something to that effect.

film's critical commentary is that the capitalist system functions by keeping them structurally impoverished.
you really just ignore counter points and act like you were never wrong let alone actually handle the point against your current position.

Parasite is critiquing greed, but it's also critiquing the system that perpetuates the poverty in which the Kims find themselves.
dont know how you can believe this without thinking Parasite is actually Snowpiercer

but part of the film's point is that if they wanted any chance of upward mobility, their only option was to behave the way they did.
this is your minority agency problem. they had many choices, and

but from the perspective of the audience, it's a metaphor for the illusory promise of wealth that capitalism presents to the underclass.
you can't say it's this more than just asian bullshit -- like the shit they do with rhino tusks or whatever else

Parasite's point is that this promise is false because the underclass must remain impoverished in order for capitalism to persist.
no idea how you think the film demonstrates this

We can't know one way or another whether it's actually hollow, but it would make perfect sense that it is.
you're like a trump denier when it comes to this rock CLEARLY NOT BEING HOLLOW :lol:
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