The Official Movie Thread

At the time that interview happened and the anti-SJWs came out with analysis videos on it, I thought they were reading too much into it. Rewatching that one just now I still feel the same. I think there's confirmation bias going on because Brie Larson is a notorious woke feminist with an abrasive personality and are thus giving the most negative interpretation of events.

If you compare that interview with many of the other Marvel cast interviews, they always put on a kind of act where people bicker and boast at the expense of the other cast members. For example the one on Fallon or Kimmel (I forget which) where Chris Evans implies that set productivity drops whenever Anthony Mackie is around.

I think because Brie has a strange and awkward public persona (and personally I think #MeToo has made gender relations more awkward than they already were) this type of shit just comes off as optically terrible. Also if they were legitimately throwing real shade her way live like that, there'd be some kind of backlash IMO.
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Cheadle actually stuck up for her after that interview. Said she acted awkward because of how the producers presented them.
Source please. Are you actually talking about the 2-3 tweets where he basically went "lol", "Oh you kids", "her ponytail" or something along those lines? If so then LOL @ you being dumb enough to think that was him "sticking up for her". It was quite clear that he did not enjoy being next to her.

If you compare that interview with many of the other Marvel cast interviews, they always put on a kind of act where people bicker and boast at the expense of the other cast members. For example the one on Fallon or Kimmel (I forget which) where Chris Evans implies that set productivity drops whenever Anthony Mackie is around.
oh you mean like the time Scarlet and Chris were fucking around with each other? You really cant tell the difference between people messing around with each other and what happened there?

Also if they were legitimately throwing real shade her way live like that, there'd be some kind of backlash IMO.
there was backlash, and it was from her. Why would anyone else have a problem with them for pointing out that she's basically an asshole?

e Brie Larson is a notorious woke feminist with an abrasive personality
ummm yes? pretty much exactly what Chris and Don where implying and what i also said in my initial post. What part of that do you disagree with?
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oh you mean like the time Scarlet and Chris were fucking around with each other? You really cant tell the difference between people messing around with each other and what happened there?

Dunno about that time. But to me that interview you posted looks like messing around, and I say that even though I am definitely biased against her.

there was backlash, and it was from her. Why would anyone else have a problem with them for pointing out that she's basically an asshole?

What kind of backlash? Did she say they were mistreating her or being sexist or something? I must have missed that.

ummm yes? pretty much exactly what Chris and Don where implying and what i also said in my initial post. What part of that do you disagree with?

Well I disagree with the claim that her MCU co-stars disliked working with her. I don't view that interview as evidence that they were implying such is the case, I just view it as messing around that came off as a bit awkward.
What kind of backlash? Did she say they were mistreating her or being sexist or something? I must have missed that.
dude, she literally lashed out at them in that interview like a pretentious little cunt.

Well I disagree with the claim that her MCU co-stars disliked working with her. I don't view that interview as evidence that they were implying such is the case, I just view it as messing around that came off as a bit awkward.
its not a claim, and you can go ahead and disagree. But everything in that video was clear as day. And this is coming form someone who gives zero fucks about any of those three actors.

Dunno about that time. But to me that interview you posted looks like messing around, and I say that even though I am definitely biased against her.
If you cant tell the difference between that video and the dozen or so of the other ones where the cast are clearly fucking around with each other than i dont know what to say to you and imo there is no point continuing this.

I also thought it was kind of funny that you were pretending in your first post that you yourself arent anti SJW or something.
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I also thought it was kind of funny that you were pretending in your first post that you yourself arent anti SJW or something.

lol what? I never even came close to implying such a thing. I said "the anti-SJWs" as in, the ones who make video content in that realm. If I wasn't anti-SJW I wouldn't have watched any of them in the first place obviously.

But yeah we can agree to disagree.
Source please. Are you actually talking about the 2-3 tweets where he basically went "lol", "Oh you kids", "her ponytail" or something along those lines? If so then LOL @ you being dumb enough to think that was him "sticking up for her". It was quite clear that he did not enjoy being next to her.

Here he is commenting on the people reading into the video.

“You should see my ‘body language’ right now,” Cheadle said. “This is some of the funniest stuff i’ve ever heard. Brie was trying to keep her ponytail behind her because her hair stylist kept flying in and fixing it. She’s actually being over accommodating. Amazing.”

You think it's "clear as day" because you want to see her a certain way. This is your prejudice, not any kind of insight that you enjoy.

Here he is commenting on the people reading into the video.

You think it's "clear as day" because you want to see her a certain way. This is your prejudice, not any kind of insight that you enjoy.
bahahah you quoted exactly what i said you were going to quote and then went on to claim i'm the one who cant see it for what it really is? :lol: What did you think, that he was going to come out and say "yea, i think she's a dumb annoying bitch"? you my friend, are a genuine idiot.
bahahah you quoted exactly what i said you were going to quote and then went on to claim i'm the one who cant see it for what it really is? :lol: What did you think, that he was going to come out and say "yea, i think she's a dumb annoying bitch"? you my friend, are a genuine idiot.

lol you're so fucking narcissistic and annoying. Oh my god... are you...


If you can't even conceive that they could be feigning annoyance in that video, then nothing I can say would convince you. You're just being your usual self, unabashedly confident in your own supreme insight into the ways of the world, unable to comprehend how wrong you are almost all the time.
:lol:i genuinely feel sorry for you if you watched that video where they purposefully pointed out that shes a rancid cunt and then you point towards a quote that was pretty much damage control. Did you expect them to actually sit there and literally trash her? You're either a gullible idiot or just want to suck on her squashed up toes so bad that you cant admit that shes an annoying cunt ... and that both of those actors next to her clearly thought the same thing.