The Official Movie Thread

Actually initially, Xenophobes were considered easy prey by predators, and to predators, man was the ultimate hunt because of his abilities to reason and improvise.

For the record.
I watched Fight Club last night. Very strange movie but I liked it a lot. The twist caught me off guard. One thing I am confused about is how he survived at the end

Fight Club is an excellent movie. Every time you watch it, you notice something that you didn't notice the previous time you watched it.

The ending in the book is different from the movie
Arnold owned that Predator. Too bad Carl Weathers kicked the bucket. Great movie :worship:
actually, Dutch got his ass kicked. The Predator was just toying with him.
Watch the deleted scenes and you see that the Predator purposely misses so that sparks fly on Dutch.
All fun and games untill you get a log dropped onto your head. :cool:

and yes, Fight Club is fucking awesome!
Jeremy you are aware that Aliens were created long, long before Starcraft came out, right?

:lol: duuuuur! I merely meant to make the point that avp makes it a point to always have aliens en mass and like always they are destroyed very very easily; they remind me of crappy little zerglings before all the upgrades. The alien species itself is supposed to be the perfect organism, and not only are they notorious for there adaptational abilities and awesome hive-mindness, but they are also known for their tacticul savvy and the means they use for self preservation. I highly doubt that all the aliens in each movie would gleefully run to their deaths just for the chance to run an enemy through.

And I'm sorry, if man is the ultimate hunt, then this galaxy is sorely lacking in the badassery department.
Mathiäs;6823436 said:
Well you're an uncultured idiot so
F U. Believe me I have more culture then you ever will. I like all sorts of movies, foreign or domestic. I merely said that the musical part of the movie killed it. And I also said, if you could read, that Depp did a good job nonetheless with his singing. This movie could of been a masterpiece if it was all dialogue. So let some gas out of your orifices because your head is full of shit and gas. Shit for brains.
F U. Believe me I have more culture then you ever will. I like all sorts of movies, foreign or domestic. I merely said that the musical part of the movie killed it. And I also said, if you could read, that Depp did a good job nonetheless with his singing. This movie could of been a masterpiece if it was all dialogue. So let some gas out of your orifices because your head is full of shit and gas. Shit for brains.

:lol: ok dude.
I saw Before the Devil Knows You're Dead. It has Philip Seymour Hoffman, Ethan Hawke and Marisa Tomei in it. It was one of the most depressive movies I've ever seen. At times it was almost too over the top, but it was well acted and filmed. There was even some death metal in it. Recommended but be warned it is pretty emotionally intense.
Finished watching my first Bela Tarr movie yesterday - Damnation... I struggled to engage with it, but it was so beautifully shot that hardly mattered. It gets a seven or so out of ten from me.
I watched The Sacrifice about a week ago as well, which for a Tarkovsky film I found disappointing... but that still means it better than most films out there. Another seven or so out of ten.
I also watched Aguirre: Wrath of God again for good measure.
La Vie En Rose is amazing movie that everyone should watch. Great story and it shot really good.

Also Eraserhead does not get talked about here ever.
I thought that woman in the radiator really broke the atmosphere. She seemed so out of place, especially with her weird cheeks, But yeah, I quite liked that In Heaven song.

Didn't the alien baby remind you of ET?
I like films with bizarre twists, philosophical dialogue/soliloquies... generally concentrating more on plot than action.
Currently watching Lord of War. Watched V for Vendetta (best. film. ever. no rivals.) and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind yesterday... both awesome films.
Some other truely godlike films: The Prestige, Man on Fire, Fight Club, and the first Matrix (just the first, the sequels ruined what promised to be an unruinable trilogy)
not to say I don't like a good bit of action/comedy/horror, but just not as much as an in-depth plot.

EDIT: How could I forget 28 Days Later? Best zombie film ever. 28 Weeks Later was also awesome, but just wasn't as good.
I like films with bizarre twists, philosophical dialogue/soliloquies... generally concentrating more on plot than action.
Currently watching Lord of War. Watched V for Vendetta (best. film. ever. no rivals.) and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind yesterday... both awesome films.
Some other truely godlike films: The Prestige, Man on Fire, Fight Club, and the first Matrix (just the first, the sequels ruined what promised to be an unruinable trilogy)
not to say I don't like a good bit of action/comedy/horror, but just not as much as an in-depth plot.

EDIT: How could I forget 28 Days Later? Best zombie film ever. 28 Weeks Later was also awesome, but just wasn't as good.

You would like David Lynch.