The Official Movie Thread

Hmm... I saw Inland Empire, and, while a captivating film, was only good enough to be consigned to my 'Films to see once in the cinema but not buy, but watch again if someone else has the DVD' list.
Yea, the baby does.

Eraserhead is so far removed from the rest of his other films

Have you seen INLAND EMPIRE?

No, but that along with Elephant Man are the only other David Lynch films that really interest me. Mullholland Drive, Blue Velvet and Lost highway just don't appeal and the any others I haven't read into.
You would like David Lynch.

maybe not, though, liking 28 weeks later exhibits an eerie lack of good taste (although 28 days was indeed cool), and most of those "godlike" films are mediocre at best

some random fun movies I recommend to everyone:

-Memento (by the director of The Prestige, but way better)
-Westerns: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly for the ultimate spaghetti classic; Unforgiven, NO [FUCKING] COUNTRY FOR OLD [FUCKING] MEN (it deserves all the praise it's been getting, seriously), and The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada for your subversive "post-Western" needs; 3:10 to Yuma (the new remake is also quite good) and The Searchers for more old-school stuff
-Mystic River, The Departed, and Gone Baby Gone, because Boston is cool
-Skip the shitty Saw movies, see High Tension (the twist kinda sucks, deal with it) or The Hills Have Eyes, as Aja is a much more likable director
-Leon The Professional (note the avatar) and Aliens, because they are classic and unbeatable
-Children of Men and The Fountain for more serious-minded occassions
-Shoot 'Em Up (it's a COMEDY, keep that in mind) Knocked Up, and Hot Fuzz are all sweet
-Skip Eastern Promises and see A History of Violence if you haven't (EP is alright, too) as Cronenberg is a badass

You can trust me, I work in a movie place ; )
Who's seen 'I'm Not There'?
Saw it a couple of weeks back, really enjoyed it. Cate Blanchett did one helluva good job.
Jan Svankmejer and Alejandro Jodorowsky are the men for you!

Oh yeah, also watch Begotten, I've only seen parts, but if I say it starts with God disemboweling himself with a razor, you get the idea.

I cant find Begotten anywhere. I saw it a long tie ago and I do not
remember it at all. I really want to see it.
I strongly recommend anything by Jan Svankmajer. Anything by him is amazing. He's pretty much the father of stop animation. The Brothers Quay are the next best thing to him I'd say
Actually initially, Xenophobes were considered easy prey by predators, and to predators, man was the ultimate hunt because of his abilities to reason and improvise.

For the record.

the accidental substitution of "xenophobe" for "xenomorph" made that post very funny.
NO [FUCKING] COUNTRY FOR OLD [FUCKING] MEN (it deserves all the praise it's been getting, seriously)

Ok, I saw this movie and I can't really tell if I liked it or not. It makes me feel pretty dumb, but I really don't think I "got" it. I mean, I enjoyed watching it and it was interesting and at times exciting, etc. etc.... But clearly there was supposed to be a point to it that seems to have gone over my head. As near as I can figure, it's about... the sheriff dealing with being too old for his job, and thus always being a step behind? I don't know.

So, could somebody clue me in?
the whole movie has to do with fate and man trying to control things. Basically, every chance a character has in the movie to control things, he fucks it up. Especially with Chugar. Like the part in the gas station when he crumples the candy wrapper up and it expands back out. If he had his way, the candy wrapper would've stayed crumpled. Also, the car crash scene at the end. He couldn't have controlled that. This is why he sometimes lets people call Heads Or Tails to let them try and get out of death.

Also, the ending is pretty common with Cormac McCarthy's style. His endings are very inconclusive, and it's mostly because his novels aren't supposed to be about the ending. It's supposed to be about the whole thing. Also, you could view it as fucking with the audience's sense of control. If they had their way, they would've had a nice neat little packaged ending. Instead the movie fucks with them and gives them an abrupt ending.

The movie is ridiculously deep and layered. The characters are basically all the same internally speaking and there's some other stuff I forgot but that's the jist of it.
I just watched Shoot 'Em Up with Clive Owen,Monica Bellucci, and Paul Giamatti and it was really really great. I think Clive Owen is a great actor personally and very distinct in terms of acting and also is in Sin City and Children of Men which are also excellent movies.