The Official Movie Thread

ima check out that Crawl movie in the next day or two.

Honestly I think you'll like it. It won't blow your mind but for an old school style natural horror with some gator brutality it's worth a watch. No convoluted plot, moral conundrums or fart-huffing agendas whatsoever either.
Available to the general public in the UK in 2019 so to me, that's a 2019 movie.

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Well, I finally sat down and watched 1917 yesterday. I'd really hoped for an engrossing war movie but in all honesty, I found it a little lacking. Visually it looked great but I didn't find myself drawn into the story all that much. Hell, I actually fell asleep 45 minutes into the movie.
I thought the political messaging was fairly light until the final lines. Yes, there are several shots of politicians speaking in the background; but I always found this to be a roughly balanced satire of political rhetoric. The closing lines explicitly criticize Obama.
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Double header with this and Boong's necessary comments on the film. Pretty innovative for a 1960 release and I think would be more appreciated on repeated viewings. Can see how Parasite was related to this.

Think next I'm going with Battle Of Algiers
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I thought the political messaging was fairly light until the final lines. Yes, there are several shots of politicians speaking in the background; but I always found this to be a roughly balanced satire of political rhetoric. The closing lines explicitly criticize Obama.

My memory sucks tbf.
i also found it incredibly, painfully unsubtle, but i’m also pretty sympathetic to andrew dominik who was clearly ultra bitter about his lack of funding post-jesse james. it’s a shame he’s had such struggles ‘cause that movie was fucking great.
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I can't wait to see his Marilyn Monroe film.

Watched some stuff recently:


The Little Stranger - Nice little film that flew under the radar of everybody it seems like, cool to see Netflix pick it up as I'd been wanting to see it for ages. On the surface it's a classic haunted house genre film, but there's class analysis and a psychological drama just beneath it. Domhnall Gleeson sells this whole thing for me, he's amazing and unsettling.


Boogie Nights - I'm so late on this one but I'm glad I finally got to watch it, I just need to see Magnolia next and I think I've seen all of P.T. Anderson's feature films. After years of being told to watch this by friends I always assumed it was going to be more of a straight up comedy, so I was pleasantly surprised by pretty much everything on screen, it's almost like a Scorsesean treatment of the porn industry. As much as I love Hard Eight from the year before this, it's impressive how much better he is as a filmmaker from that one to this one.

About to watch:


Another one (I think) I've never seen.