The Official Movie Thread

Kano was the only character that didn’t feel completely wooden.

Hoping he’ll be back since they gave him the set up injury for his cybernetic eye in his “death” scene.

movie was kind of a mess but gorey fun so I’ll take more, thanks.

I do wish they would have just skipped Goro completely. What a dumb wasted scene. 300 year MK champ killed off quickly by a guy that just lost a random mma match.

Most of the bad guys were wasted or kinda useless tbh. To set up more films I guess couldn’t kill important ones. Nitara? I mean I guess she was just fatality bait but not people don’t even know that character. Reiko? Am I missing something or was he completely different than he was supposed to be? Mileena didn’t really even get to fight and she was mostly clothed. wtf
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Finished nomadland last night...just another mess in terms of direction. Is it about the life of van-nomads? A woman's being thrusted into this world? A journey of grief? Don't think it's any...just two hours of solitude that tries to add a meaning in the last ten. Frances is still fantastic, but not a good narrative. Oh well, promising young woman next.
fuck all that crazy shit alan moore said about superhero movies causing Trump to be capable of becoming president
i'm still waiting for the moment where being "based on pre-existing source material" is a requirement for getting a movie onto mvie theater screens in America

a Drizzt Do'Urden Movie could be awesome
if Drizzt and Zaknafien were played by dudes with super-caucazoid faces (like Crispin Glover for example)
you'd have to show Jarlaxle and Liriel exploring the surface-world as a direct result of Drizzt abandoning the underdark
you'd have to have actors and actresses of all different races playing drow characters with the drow skin-tone being an unmistakeably in-human color (a straight-up blue or purple) (Wayne Brady would be perfect for Jarlaxle)
and you would prolly end-up having to show a chocolate-dark black actor playing the human that's attacking Drizzt just because he's a drow just after Drizzt saves Ten-Towns from the giants and orcs at the end of the Crystal Shard

Anita Blake could be an awesome series of movies
if you went ahead and made the first one rated R
you could easily do Ronnie Simms asking Anita how long it's been since Anita's gotten laid, as the last spoken words just before you roll credits on the first movie, as a hilarious easter-egg reference to Anita getting a male harem in the later books despite Anita being purpousefully celibate durring the first few books

DC could do another Green Lantern movie, by just saying the phrase "Hal Jordan is dead" and doing a John Stewart movie and/or John Stewart's Green lantern replacing Cyborg as "the back guy" in the next Justice League movie

this will either involve Barry Allen interacting with Jay Garrick and/or Barry Allen "breaking time"
either way
this is clearly DC trying to do a multiverse movie because of

it's this kind of compettitive bullshit that led to DC making their Justice League movie's visuals look like an avengers movie rip-off
(play the Justice League movie muted with an albulm playing and you'll see it clearly)
the fact that quicksilver ended up being played by 2 different actors
and the fact that Disney MCU now has the movie rights to live-action Peter Parker even though Sony is still obligated to make "spider-man universe movies" which resulted in the Spiderverse movie being animated and the live-action Venom movie not having peter parker in it at all

these movies are choosing profit over plot
Iron man 2 made its money back and a profit in just the ticket sales from just China before anyone outside of China got to see the movie
and Infinity War ending with "the snap" right at the fucking end resulted in pre-order ticket sales for End Game being so massive that End Game made its money back and a profit from just the pre-ordered tickets before anyone at all got to see the movie

and now Disney's MCU and DC's movie universe are racing to do multiverse movies to explain why multiple actors have played Spider-Man and why multiple actors have played Batman

all in the spirit of competition and profit
why not just make superhero movies that entertain the people who read superhero comics??
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Damn, that's a classic!! Skippy meets Jason Donvan's daddy!

Although there's other great names in it too, like Bryan Brown, Bud Tingwell, Lucky Grills
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Promising Young Woman...exactly what you'd expect. Not much else to say, nothing worthwhile about it, especially at this point (culturally).

Note to self, can't trust challenge everything on Hollywood feminist movies :loco:

Damn, that's a classic!! Skippy meets Jason Donvan's daddy!

Although there's other great names in it too, like Bryan Brown, Bud Tingwell, Lucky Grills

There's even a minor role for a young Max Fairchild (complete with the dumbest haircut ever) and a hilarious moment when he bulldozes down a locked bathroom door by doing a hip'n'shoulder!


@RadicalThrasher gotta recommend Money Movers to you bud, right up your alley.
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With a name like Dim Sims I reckon it's the perfect haircut :)

Weirdly enough Dim Sims is not the strangest name Max has had. Posthole Jack in Dick Down Under, Big Blonde Bloke in Tandarra, Big Feral in Garbo, Big Mac in Australian Rules, he gets all the good ones!
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No I haven't, but damn he's a real looker. I love the way the guys have complete faith in those straps holding him down.
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