The Official Movie Thread

Generally speaking, the entire Alien trilogy is one of my all-time favorite works of science fiction/horror. When I say I lose interest near the end of Aliens, it's not that I dislike it; it might just have to do with having seen the film so many times. What I really love about the first two thirds is the oscillating between disorienting action sequences and the slow creep of knowing the xenomorphs are getting closer. Once they're on the run at the end, it loses some of that tension.

I've always been a fan of Fincher's Alien 3 as well, although it's not well-regarded critically. It was a nice return to similar aesthetics of the first one, but inflected within an industrial/urban decay vibe. Creature effects suffered a little, but the low lighting helped.
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This was fun as shit. Don't read too much into the poster; it makes it look like some grrl power revenge flick and it's not at all. Really odd film with a DIY aesthetic that isn't feigned, and a genuine nasty streak. Might be a bit too meta for some, but I'd predict most here would like it.

2019 was such a bonkers good year for movies that I have no doubt the medium will do just fine post-covid.
i agree with this^^

You can call it that if you wish. "Comic book movie" usually refers to a movie based on a comic book, which Glass isn't in any capacity. But it is a movie about comics. Regardless of how you define it, surely you would agree it's a far cry from the Marvel/DC glut...?
i would refer to Glass as a "comic book movie" because it is clearly a "superhero genre" movie
Unbreakable was to me better than Glass
and there are those that would say the MCU movies are better than Glass
It's a sequel to both isn't it?
it's a sequel to both
but it's really a bridge between the 2
Unbreakable was made first, but Split was never advertized as a sequel to Unbreakable
Split and Unbreakable being in the same universe was a surprise-twist-ending and the very last second of Split

at the end of Unbreakable, there's a "hero-doing-the-right-thing-scene" where David Dunn decides to not kill the villian (similar to the scene where we hear police sirens and Daredevil lets the cops arrest The Kingpin instead of Daredevil killing the Kingpin) So the end of Unbreakable looks like the villian character is going to prison for forever

the movie Split works without being in the same universe as Unbreakable
you cut out the Bruce Willis cameo from Split and the end of Split still makes sense
Unbreakable works without sequels,
and then the Bruce Willis cameo in Split makes an awesome-by-itself-stand-alone-movie suddenly confusing for anyone who sees Split before seeing Unbreakable (which was a huge-ass amount of Americans BTW)

i saw Unbreakable when it was a brand-new film, and so for me, the Bruce Willis Cameo at the end of Split wasn't confusing because it was just really annoying
the Bruce Willis cameo not only happens at the very last second of the movie, but it comes out as looking like the idea of putting David Dunn in Split was a decision suddenly made at the last possible second after the whole rest of Split had already been filmed

then comes the movie Glass
doesn't work as a stand-alone
doesn't work as merely a sequel to Unbreakable
doesn't work as merely a sequel to Split
you have to actually watch both Unbreakable and Split for Glass to make sense

and even if you actually have seen both movies, the back-and-forth between Unbreakable-sequel and Split-sequel is Still as- jarring-as-hell, the back-and-forth could have definately been filmed a whole lot smoother
How did the Eastrail 177 trilogy break your brain this hard?

The Split character was originally written to be in Unbreakable but was cut due to "balance issues" and when the studios declined to finance a sequel to Unbreakable Shyamalan decided to repurpose that character into the movie Split.

The "twist" ending of Split with having Dunn make an appearance is a typical "Shyamalan twist" and Glass actually amplifies the quality of Unbreakable and Split if anything, because it presents an origins story for both the superhero and the supervillain within his shared universe, something that rarely ever happens in the superhero movie genre.

So even if this shared universe concept was something he came up with during the filming of Split, the existence of Glass elevates both Unbreakable and Split from mere standalone genre films to something approaching a subversion of the current superhero megatrend.

then comes the movie Glass
doesn't work as a stand-alone
doesn't work as merely a sequel to Unbreakable
doesn't work as merely a sequel to Split
you have to actually watch both Unbreakable and Split for Glass to make sense

Imagine being a hardcore MCU dickrider and having this complaint.
How did the Eastrail 177 trilogy break your brain this hard?

The Split character was originally written to be in Unbreakable but was cut due to "balance issues" and when the studios declined to finance a sequel to Unbreakable Shyamalan decided to repurpose that character into the movie Split.

The "twist" ending of Split with having Dunn make an appearance is a typical "Shyamalan twist" and Glass actually amplifies the quality of Unbreakable and Split if anything, because it presents an origins story for both the superhero and the supervillain within his shared universe, something that rarely ever happens in the superhero movie genre.

So even if this shared universe concept was something he came up with during the filming of Split, the existence of Glass elevates both Unbreakable and Split from mere standalone genre films to something approaching a subversion of the current superhero megatrend.

Imagine being a hardcore MCU dickrider and having this complaint.
if you remove the Bruce Willis cameo, Split actually works-as-a-stand-alone-movie
the whole shared-universe-concept here was clearly noticeably an idea that came up only after the beginning of the filming of Split
where the movie Glass comes across as Shyamalan making money off of the fact that Hollywood makes a shit-ton of money on sequels
Nah you're wrong. If that were the prime motivator he'd turn it into a cinematic universe but he has specifically declined and wants it to stand as a trilogy.

if you remove the Bruce Willis cameo, Split actually works-as-a-stand-alone-movie
the whole shared-universe-concept here was clearly noticeably an idea that came up only after the beginning of the filming of Split

I addressed all of this you dumb fuck.
Nah you're wrong. If that were the prime motivator he'd turn it into a cinematic universe but he has specifically declined and wants it to stand as a trilogy.
he specifically declined to make the series more than 3 movies
but the idea of even doing a trilogy at all
the idea of any of his movies being connected in this way at all
is clearly an idea based off of Hollywood making shit-tons of money off of sequels
but the idea of even doing a trilogy at all
the idea of any of his movies being connected in this way at all
is clearly an idea based off of Hollywood making shit-tons of money off of sequels
Riiight, because trilogies, sequels and prequels didn't exist before Hollywood as a way to tell stories. Shakespeare's Henry VI trilogy for example.
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Tolkien inteneded to have LOTR be just one long book
it was the publisher that cut it up into a Trilogy
and now everything is cut up like this, story-arcs being cut up into pieces and everthing getting sequels
Zack Snyder's Justice League
God damn I love this movie
i remember standing on the sidewalk in front of the Deep Ellum Wing-stop
they had their 4 TVs playing 4 different shows with a radio-station as the audio blaring out of their speaker system
one of the channels was the Justice League movie
without the proper audio, this movie was hilarious
without the proper audio it was just a hilarious rip-off of the Avengers movies
scenes where Barry Allen's Flash costume looked like a rip-off of Iron-Man's suit
scenes where the lighting-makeup-camera angle made Gal Godot look like Scarlett Johansson
the 3 seconds where we see Flash covered in green gunk is clearly a sperm-joke
and the scene where the dudes in the Justice League are about to kill each other and Batman has to stop it because wonder woman is just ignoring it cuz she's sharpening her sword is just fucking hilarious without the proper audio
scenes where the evil demon characters look like the chitauri from the first avengers movie
scenes where the demon things look like the robots from the Age of Ultron movie