The Official Movie Thread

The best thing about Kevin Bacon, (other than Footloose of course), is that he saved any other bloke from being married to Kyra Sedgwick.
One of my favourite Kevin Bacon role's was him as Martin Thiel in Criminal Law. He's really quite diabolical and chillingly menacing in it.
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The Suicide Squad was garbage. Dragged on forever and my wife and I couldn't wait for it to end. I should have learnt by now not to get seduced by rave reviews for these things. At the very least I was hoping for some Deadpool style laughs but the humour was lame as fuck; either derived from the self-consciously dorky superhero identities (see 'Polka Dot Man') or repetitive jokes about the shark-man thing wanting to eat his friends. Note to James Gunn: adding in gore doesn't make your movie edgy when it's all done in shitty CGI and doesn't have half the imagination of anything coming out of SE Asia.
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i still really like gotg part 2 but yeah that describes my usual experience with james gunn going all the way back to super (which is still worth watching for kevin bacon, just to bring this page full circle).
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I need to rewatch those Guardians movies. I like Slither and Super a lot though and by no means did I hate The Suicide Squad. The comedy was mostly shit and it was overly long but it was still pretty entertaining.

For me Harley Quinn had most of the best scenes and funny how @challenge_everything mentions SE Asian violence because the scene where
she escapes interrogation and kills a bunch of soldiers
felt like it was inspired by all these killer Indonesian action movies coming out lately.

Also apparently a spin-off series based on Cena's character Peacemaker is in the works which, if he's anything in that like he is in this, could be pretty cool.
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I need to rewatch those Guardians movies. I like Slither and Super a lot though and by no means did I hate The Suicide Squad. The comedy was mostly shit and it was overly long but it was still pretty entertaining.

For me Harley Quinn had most of the best scenes and funny how @challenge_everything mentions SE Asian violence because the scene where
she escapes interrogation and kills a bunch of soldiers
felt like it was inspired by all these killer Indonesian action movies coming out lately.

Also apparently a spin-off series based on Cena's character Peacemaker is in the works which, if he's anything in that like he is in this, could be pretty cool.
Yeah, I am absolutely looking forward to than spin-off show!