The Official Movie Thread

That family aspect and humanity of boogie nights didn't hit at all. Self important denegerate bafoons all around, really struggled to resonate with family being such a quality let alone strongest theme to take away.

I'd definitely give credit to Blood for being the most human, phantom is a bit out there, punch too neurotic and the master also being too specific. Magnolia is too phony and forced, blood is just perfect in it's execution. Damn I love it.
Wasn't crash the Hollywood grab at this film style? Feels like you guys are passive as all hell about this :lol: not many movies do the random 6-8 character that all interact with a plot point later on..crash, Amores, magnolia all are on that wavelength
Inherent Vice is great. I love how critics were like “this plot is too complicated.” It’s based on a fucking Pynchon novel. There are no uncomplicated plots in Pynchon. Just sit back and enjoy the Lebowski-esque chaos.
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i don’t like the snide tone of short cuts, feels like it’s looking down on its characters to the extent that the attempts at revealing underlying humanity seem disingenuous (i feel very differently about nashville). my perspective is also coloured by being a big carver fan, transposing him to LA is pretty blasphemous in the first place. that said, the actual filmmaking is good as you’d expect from altman, love the cast and overall energy of it.

Last night I watched a really amazing Inuit movie called Maliglutit, an Inuit reimagining of John Ford's classic western epic The Searchers.

Zacharias Kunuk (director of Atanarjuat: The Fast Runner) and Natar Ungalaaq (lead actor from Atanarjuat: The Fast Runner) directed it together and they chose to strip away most of the frills of the original, as well as the racial elements, and focus on the revenge thriller aspects of the script, creating a much more primal, raw and visceral film.

Leaving aside the plot, Maliglutit also depicts the practicalities of 1931 Inuit life which was very interesting. Filming the hunting, food storage and preparation, igloo building, sled dog management and utilization as naturalistically as possible. Also apparently due to the weather conditions the visible frost bite on the actors is actually real.

I won't say much about the plot, but basically four unmarried uncivilized men are exiled by community elders and, while roaming the Arctic, they kidnap a wife and daughter while the husband and son are out hunting. They return to their destroyed igloo to discover what has happened, and then leave to track them across the Arctic.


Needless to say, it's also visually stunning.