The Official Movie Thread

im watching the dumbest movie of all times. lamer than Manos- the hands of fate.

its called womb raider. basically, its soft core porn. so there is obviously no plot (however, the plot is cara loft has to find the 3 ancient wombs for a wealthy collector. something her father died doing). but there is no good porn either. just alot of nipples and rubbing. they fake oral really bad. but it doesnt matter, cuz you can see pussy lips at any time.

if i want porn, i'll go to the interwebs. this movie is just annoying...

oh, and the arabian prince is chinese...
LOL gr :lol:
I saw "Space Chimps" with my nephews about a week ago while my sister and mom saw "Mama Mia!"
The movie's animation was pretty awesome and there were many funny moments. My nephews were both cracking up, especially my little nephew. I thought he was going to squirt soda out of his nose b/c he was laughing so hard. :lol:
I'm gonna go see Dark Knight once the semester is over I think. I've heard it's quite epic.
I am not a hateful person. However I absolute loathe people who talk during movies. The occasional exclamation or whatever is fine, but actual discussion or multiple interruptions is just inexcusable. It's the epitome of selfishness and inconsiderateness. How do you go through life and not learn that you can't talk in a movie theater? It just baffles me.

It depends. If you're going to see a b-movie talking is an essential part of the movie.
But if you're going to see a "good" movie, then yeah.
Ugh, I was dragged to see Wall E and in every fucking scene these two girls next to me would say "awwww". And cellphones should be jammed in all movie theaters, I can't stand to hear texting or people talking on the phone like no one can hear them.
yeah, it gets pretty bad. I think whispering with a friend is acceptable, but talking loudly is not.

your mouth should never fucking open other than to eat/drink something. Why people fell the need to say ANYTHING or make any sound in a theater is beyond me. Save it.

Also, after my post about taking the boat to the theater I actually had a dream I did just that. I thought that was hilarious.
@evil: I meant with b-movies where making fun of the film is part of the experience. again, at a serious, real, decent movie you need to shut the fuck up.

I also hate people who laugh really loud at comedies.
That can be amusing though. I remember Team America being 10x funnier because some 50 year old guy was laughing his fucking ass off loud as hell which made me laugh which made him laugh, and eventually just about everyone was in tears.
but sometimes it can drown out the movie. I don't really know what was being said during the Simpsons movie because it was so loud in there. There was some guy who had a maniacal laugh, as well.
I just watched Before The Devil Knows You're Dead with Philip Seymour Hoffman,Ethan Hawke, and Marisa Tomei and it was the best movie i've seen in awile. I strongly recomend it.