The Official Movie Thread


that thing is freaking the shit out of me

But yeah, Philip Seymour Hoffman and Marisa Tomei in the same movie? This is going on my queue.

I watched American Gangster today. Great movie. That death scene on the sidewalk where Denzel's character blows the guy's head off was awesome.
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tbh we don't need evil dead 4.
And Army of Darkness would have been the best movie of all time if it had suddenly ended 17 minutes in.
actually, I think it goes very downhill once he leaves the castle. the satirical aspects come to far to the front and it just becomes too ridiculous.
although when he tried to bullshit the incantation was hilarious.
Thing that pisses me most about army of darkness: He can chainsaw his girlfriend in the face, but he can't drive over some medieval chick he just met?
pretty sure those skeletons weren't stop motion, but just puppets on sticks and stuff. I think Army of Darkness would've been 10x more badass if it was a zombie army.
Some of them were puppets, but there was a lot of stop motion. the first time you see them digging the grave, for example, is obviously stop motion.
and yeah, zombies > skeletons.
You all suck, Army of Darkness is awesome.

I don't believe in Evil Dead 4 though. It can't possibly be the same.
meh, been a while since I've watched army of darkness, so you might be right about the stop motion. I'm not gonna condemn evil dead 4 yet, since it is Bruce and Raimi, not some new guy coming in and fucking it up, but if Raimi tries to pull some of his hollywood influence and make it big budget with CGI and shit, it might suck hard.
just saw Two Thousand Manics yesterday. Pretty cool exploitation film, awesome premise, fairly good execution, and the gore effects must've been crazy back in 1964, though by today's standards they're a bit lacking.