The Official Movie Thread

:lol: I think those movies are funny. They are not quality films but good to watch when you're in the mood for something stupid.

I went to bed last night watching "Magnum Force". So awesome. Clint Eastwood was the shit back in the day.
Rape is disturbing 100% of the time.

Movie sounds interesting enough where I may consider seeing it, and that part in the story seems to actually have to do with the plot in some kind of productive way..
It's basically an eye for an eye story, but with christianity thrown in (no way Bergman?!). I've been seing a lot of Bergman movies just to find something to like but mostly it's not been my cup of tea really. Through A Glass Darkly stands out though, i really liked that one.
Saw The Stepfather

Pretty awesome for a standard 80's horror movie actually. The villain's motive seemed original, at least it's something I haven't seen in any movie before. Terry O'Quinn was brilliant.
The soundtrack could've used more subtlety though, and the movie was a bit silly/cheesy sometimes. Like titular character whistling Camptown Races while leaving the house of the family he just slaughtered (this is the intro scene, so it's not really a spoiler)
And the girl was kinda cute in an 80's kinda way.
I haven't seen that since I was in middle-school. Cheesy action flick. Fun though.

Kinda cheesy but action packed.

Christian Slater is the shit plus you have john travolta and some hot red head and a lot of action.
Wow i didn't know that Peter Jackson asked Blind Guardian to do the music for LOTR, and they turned it down due to not having enough time?! I wonder if they'd do the same today.