The Photography Thread

so really awesome landscapes and macro shots here... loooooove macro...
its cool to see some of the ppl here are really improving :)

now some latest concert shit from me:









f8, and at 1/200? Those are some speedy fuckers.

Nice shots as always, Alina! I really like the last picture of the drummer/drum set - how'd you get that high - just raise the camera as high as possible?

And out of curiosity, what settings do you usually shoot at?
I too would love to know your settings Alina, because frankly if I could take a concert photo with a fraction of your skill I would be happy.

I'm going to be shooting Destruction, Heathen, Gravehill, Deströyer 666 and prob a few other on the 20th, so hopefully I don't fuck it up.
Thank you! The drummer guy photo was taken from some kind of small balcony behind this back, i'm not THAT tall :)
As for the settings... It really depends on the lights, usually I shoot in the club so they are:
Manual mode
ISO: +\- 800
Exp: 100-160
Apperture: 2.8
No flash

I hope that helps :)
Alright thats what I was thinking of... maybe pushing ISO to 1000 or 1250 if necessary, though greg C ( says he always shoots with 1600, but that seems to noisy for my taste. On the other hand, he gets some sharper apertures... Might mess around with different stuff though.
You can shoot even with iso 3200 if you have a camera like canon 5D MkII that deals well with all the noise. Yet my baby (5D) gives noise even on 800, so everything higher is pretty disturbing.
The 40d I just got is a bit better with noise than the Rebel XS, but not by much, it seems like. Damn, it'd be awesome to shoot with 3200 and have little noise...
5DmkII & 7D are both fantastic lowlight performers. Hell, my T2i is usable at 800 easy, but after that? ehhhh.

Hey Alina, I'm curious about something. Do you prefer manual for the greater control it gives, is it just easier all around for you when compared to the aperture or shutter modes? I ask because a lot of people I know avoid manual because they can work faster using the other modes. So I guess what I'm asking is, is the speed trade-off in workflow worth it for the greater control, even though you might miss certain shots more frequently?

Also, what's your stance on spot vs non-spot metering?
Yeah 800 is fine for me too... 1600 on the XS was pretty bad. Seems a bit better on the 40d. But I like that I can also choose between 1000 and 1250. After some messing around I found that there is a custom function for noise reduction - it lowers the buffer amount somewhat, but still seems pretty helpful.
1600, 1250 and 1000 ISO all came out really well no the 40d. The lighting was alright but TOO MUCH FUCKING RED LIGHT UGH. Oh well. Still got a lot of awesome pictures, but uh, I my Tamron fell about 2 feet like a week ago, and worked fine initially, but now it's beginning to have issues, as it did last night (a lot of the shots weren't very crisp with it - some where, but the AF motor is messed up). Fortunately I can get a replacement through Amazon so yay. The 70-200mm at f4 and ISOs ranging from 1000-1600 managed at about 1/60 (sometimes faster) and got some good shots with that too. Overall, I'm pretty happy with they way it all turned out (well, at least with the Warbringeer pics - still have to go through everything else).

Edit: Yay Amazon already shipped out the replacement, and it will get here tomorrow.
I love HDR, that looks pretty good - like that Beatles banner, though it would look nicer if the colours were a tad bit brighter (it's not supposed to look too realistic anyway, so go all out). Don't exactly know where to focus when looking at it..Also, that umblella is in the way!

I'm probably not the most knowleadgeable person to give feedback anyway, since I never did HDR. (don't have a camera and the lenses for it) However I did attempt to create it by layering the initial photo with a brighter and a darker version of it. I can post some before and after photos sometime, if anybody really wants to see them. :)
Yeah there was no way to get that thing out of the way :/ it was on top of the parking garage on the way to work lol. I sorta wanted to give it an apocalypticy look, but brightening it probably wouldn't hurt. But yeah go ahead and share the pictures!
Not a fan of the HDR to be honest, mostly because you can tell it's "HDR".

The best use of the style is when you can't tell it's been done.

Like this:

That picture actually does remind me of a sci-fi short story I read in class last week though, it was pretty good.
nice shot.. i miss vegas, havent been there since i was 19... gotta go back and tear the place apart