The Photography Thread

@Pess - More great pics! Do you have any color ones though?

Anyways here are some shots from my travels from Chicago to Vegas, and the Grand Canyon, Hoover Dam etc.











Some photos from the trip on Sunday.
This is Peles Castle in the Carpathian Mountains, in Sinaia, Romania. It is quite fairytale-like and the views are amazing.












The statue is of King Carol I, who built the castle. It was the summer residence of the royal family.

Some time ago, I acquired a fantastic Bowens Gemini 400 studio lighting kit.

I have a great relationship my with local camera store (incidently the best in Sydney) - they pimp my work out to customers (he bought his gear from us, look at what he shot etc), and in turn I get discounts a fair bit. I rarely pay retail - it's a nice unspoken agreement that we have :) Anyway - RRP $1200 and I got it for for $840! Pretty cool huh?

It's taken me ages but I finally pulled my finger out, unpacked it, set it up and played with it. I spent about 2 hours shooting self-portaits (which in itself for me is a new thing).

So here's what I came up with - all done to the first two Hour Of 13 albums (I've been in a doom mode lately :) )

I know they're not awesome or anything, but I'm chuffed considering it's my first go outside a class. Shooting in a controlled lighting environment is a totally different ballgame. It's not harder as such, but there is a LOT more to think about. Shooting in natural light imo is worth more street cred, but studio environments allows for more creativity. I'm doing another studio course in a month's time actually, so hopefully I'll have some images to upload from that.

Equipment used for tonight:
- Canon 7D
- Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II
- 1 x Bowens Gemini 400w light
- 1 x black circular reflector
- 1 x 32" white umbrella (my softbox is missing a piece so I have to get it replaced grrr).
- cups of tea :)
- my awesome Devils Blood TS :kickass:

My shooting space, effectively, my apartment. Man that one light alone gets fucking hot I tell you. After shooting for 2 hours it was quite warm in my place!


This one's a bit fashion-ey, but I do like it. I look nice and calm :lol:


And here's my Devil's Blood one hehe.

Nice looking set, Hubster, pics came out pretty cool too! I got a Smith-Victor lighting set (+backdrop) on craigslist for a really good deal ($200 total), with 2 500 watt lamps/reflectors/umbrellas, a 250 watt lamp that attaches to a boom stick too, plus the whole backdrop set as well.

This is my fav shot out of the few I've taken:

IMG_8229 by Srontgorrth, on Flickr
Nice looking set, Hubster, pics came out pretty cool too! I got a Smith-Victor lighting set (+backdrop) on craigslist for a really good deal ($200 total), with 2 500 watt lamps/reflectors/umbrellas, a 250 watt lamp that attaches to a boom stick too, plus the whole backdrop set as well.

This is my fav shot out of the few I've taken:

IMG_8229 by Srontgorrth, on Flickr

Cool, Srontgorrth :)

How did you shoot that portrait? Did you use a black background? Setup info etc?
Cool, Srontgorrth :)

How did you shoot that portrait? Did you use a black background? Setup info etc?


Yeah, black background, then just used the 250 watt lamp aimed at the side, and then at ISO 100, 1/250 and f2.8 on my 17-50mm.

And then I lit up a 500 watt bounced off of an umbrella, but a few feet away, from the other side:

IMG_8233 by Srontgorrth, on Flickr

and finally, aimed the 250 from above (via the boom stick extender thing):

IMG_8242 by Srontgorrth, on Flickr
I was wondering what he meant about "bracers". As far as I knew, they're called "vambraces". I got mine custom made, they're amazingly crafted. I'll have to take some photos for you both Krig and Pessimism. I got the design idea of mine from the ones that Bruce Dickinson wore during the Seventh Tour of a Seventh Tour :)

Srontgorrth, that last one is great btw.
Well, my Gravehill pics are going to be published in some German Mag. I also got a reply from a webzine that is willing to publish everything I shoot and send to them.

I need to find some good shows coming up and contact the bands/their management. I NEED MORE PORTFOLIO MATERIAL.
Nice! Whats the webzine?

Get in contact with these guys: as they are the press for a lot of bands, and can help get you in contact with management (they set me up for Sleep, and also for Earth in July, Exhumed/Macabre in August, Amon Amarth, and Grave in September).

Just say you shoot for whatever the webzine is and they'll add you to the list.
Oh and some recent concert shots (from Sleep, Warped and Deafheaven):

IMG_0003 by Srontgorrth, on Flickr

IMG_1007 by Srontgorrth, on Flickr

IMG_1025 by Srontgorrth, on Flickr

IMG_0097 by Srontgorrth, on Flickr

IMG_0186 by Srontgorrth, on Flickr

IMG_0252 by Srontgorrth, on Flickr

IMG_0503 by Srontgorrth, on Flickr

IMG_0515 by Srontgorrth, on Flickr

IMG_0531 by Srontgorrth, on Flickr

IMG_1632 by Srontgorrth, on Flickr

IMG_1217 by Srontgorrth, on Flickr

IMG_1438 by Srontgorrth, on Flickr

IMG_0814 by Srontgorrth, on Flickr

IMG_0838 by Srontgorrth, on Flickr

IMG_1889 by Srontgorrth, on Flickr