The (Post-Recession/Obama) Non-Batshit Politics Thread of 2015 & Beyond

Which of these best describes your views?

  • liberal

    Votes: 8 25.0%
  • conservative

    Votes: 2 6.3%
  • left-leaning moderate

    Votes: 6 18.8%
  • right-leaning moderate

    Votes: 5 15.6%
  • libertarian

    Votes: 6 18.8%
  • other anti-establishment

    Votes: 2 6.3%
  • apathetic

    Votes: 3 9.4%

  • Total voters
zabu of nΩd;10981710 said:
The whole point of the study's use of fictitious resumes is to control for factors such as education. Again, the abstract says that higher quality resumes elicit 30% more callbacks with white sounding names - evidence of racial bias doesn't get much clearer than that.

The purpose of the rape website is irrelevant to the point I'm making. The data on the site originates from the FBI and Justice Department. I don't need to post direct links to the FBI and Justice Department websites to use the same data in my argument.

If you look at the charts on the demographics of Congress in the second article, you'll see that the Democratic party, while still skewed toward white men, is much more diverse. I'm not constructing a "narrative" by highlighting the demographics of the Republican members - it's well known that people who vote Republican tend to (a) be older, whiter, and more male, and (b) consider race and gender equality a relatively low national priority.

That's the way the "system" works, and despite what you've assumed about me, I do not at all believe the system is "fucked". I'm well aware that conservative ideology provides a valuable counterweight to liberal ideology. For example, I don't trust the average liberal to have reasonable opinions about the use of military force or economic stimulus measures.

That does not excuse the injustices against minority groups that conservatives overlook, though. Because conservatism is by definition about maintaining the status quo, it also maintains traditional attitudes about the inferiority of women and "colored" people. This was true during the civil rights movement of the 1960s, when conservatives opposed the Voting Rights Act, and it's true today... which brings us to the point of liberalism: to advocate for change. Liberalism deserves most of the credit for recognizing and addressing injustices against minority groups in recent history, and anyone who makes an honest effort to understand the experience of minority groups today will find it overwhelmingly clear that the injustices have not been resolved.

Shouldn't minorities who have only recently migrated to the US be treated with colour blind equality rather than privileges intended to right historical grievances against the pre existing US minorities?

Do white people have a right to maintain their culture? I know that's a vague phrase, but I think it's obvious what I mean. What about white people in Iceland? Places that have hardly colonized Africa (along with all of Eastern Europe, but Jews may hold grievances against them).

Given that migration generally occurs in a kind of colonizing trickle pattern rather than a direct transferal of community, is it not obvious that focusing on it as a means of helping the poorer parts of the world is a bit of a flawed concept. There are far more Hindus and Muslims than there are people in Europe, so how can immigration be an answer to flawed policy in the third world?
Without getting too deep into it, outside of rape victims there is no justifiable reason imo. For example, to let all these little girls think its ok to go fuck around and be whores is not ok. It isnt one of those evryday mistakes where you can just go "eh, fuck it". And i sure in the hell understand why somoeone wouldnt want to pay for you or your daughters being dirty filthy whores or whatever. Has nothing to do with the church.
rms, you make some good points. I need a break from this, but I'll get back to you. Same for you SS.
It's weird that you find TB's definition of what is "life" funny but not the fact that there's 100s definitions for sexuality. Interesting person Mort

TB's point is more about personal responsibility, not misogyny, by the way
If it were about personal responsibility strictly it would say "We should teach young children that they need to know the potential consequences of having sex" not "to let all these little girls think its ok to go fuck around and be whores is not ok."
The only differences between those two sentences is that one is in casual speak and one is worded nicely. Just because he said whores instead of promiscuous women or something doesn't mean he's a woman hater.
The only differences between those two sentences is that one is in casual speak and one is worded nicely. Just because he said whores instead of promiscuous women or something doesn't mean he's a woman hater.

Calling a woman a whore because she has "a lot of" sex kind of means he is - making a value judgment about her based on something unrelated to what kind of person she is
Just because TB thinks women shouldn't have a lot of sex or sex with a lot of partners doesn't mean he hates women. You really have tons of loaded language man
Yeah, because we should take every single word literally - misogyny literally only means he hates women, and homophobia literally only means people are scared of gay people

Fuck off you obtuse piece of shit
The only differences between those two sentences is that one is in casual speak and one is worded nicely. Just because he said whores instead of promiscuous women or something doesn't mean he's a woman hater.

No, the first sentence is clearly gender neutral, whereas the second singles out females. How is this not blatantly obvious?
Yeah, because we should take every single word literally - misogyny literally only means he hates women, and homophobia literally only means people are scared of gay people

Fuck off you obtuse piece of shit

It'd be a good start. I guess I can say fag/gay/pussy/bitch again because they all have dual meanings.