The things that make you angry thread

I'm going to a therapist soon I'm tired of worrying all the time.
Dude, just relax, you don't need to waste money on a therapist, just learn how to let go of things, worrying is like sitting in a rocking chair, it fun but it gets you no where.

Therapy will help, just make sure your therapist keeps the hands above the waist.

*if it's a man
Thank you.

I keep thinking about Zelda: The Twilight Princess. If it's not worth buying the Wii over I'm going to be very angry!

It's a fun game, not as good as ocarina of time, but still fun.

if you liked smash brothers: brawl then you should get a wii. :)

edit: the wii fit does kick some ass, and it almost scares me cause my mom does a daily routine exercise on that and it works lol, its crazy to see her playing games :|
no idea, haven't tried it. never even played a wii before in my life (don't like any of the games). but that dual mode thing that they have for the Wii version and not the other consoles is cool.
Doesn't anyone think that Nintendo kinda made a mistake by not making much "real" games for the Wii?
I've never had anything of Nintendo nor did I play it from time to time, but it seems Nintendo are abandoning the diehard fans that made them big by focusing almost 100% on the casual gamer
they put Call of Duty on Wii. you can also buy Wii points and download classic games from N64, Sega, and such. Nintendo totally didn't fuck up, because it was marketing genius to do what they're doing.