The things that make you angry thread

What!! They got rid of smurf mountain!? :mad: :cry:

They turned it into a Volcano-themed rollercoaster in the mid 90's. I remember going in the opening year to ride it but of course the lines for it were seriously "you have a 6 hour wait from this point," kind of deal, so no thanks. Also watching it, it started off shooting straight up out of the top of the volcano, and every couple of times it would stall at the top and not have enough momentum to carry around the first turn, hahaha. I think they shut it down and reopened it a couple of times.
Damn, I haven't been there since I was 18. It was kind of a drive to Richmond, mah Momma never wanted to do. LOL. And then all of my friends became amusement park haters for some reason. All of them have no taste in fun either! HA! I always wondered what was new there.

LOL! When I was 14, my friend Lynn and Amy decided to go. Well, Amy and Lynn hated each others guts but really wanted in on the Kings Dominion Birthday band wagon, so they made a truce. Well Amy didn't wear socks with her sneakers, and my Mom just had a pick up truck with one of those caps on the back. So we all had to get there and back in the back of the truck. After the white water rapids ride, and the other water flume rides, Amy's feet began to stink. Her feet reeked up the whole back of that pick up truck and it's a 2 hour ride back to Bowie MD from there. So for years after, even up to the last time I talked to Lynn, which was seven years ago, Lynn swears that was not Amy's feet, but her pussy that was stinking up the whole back of the truck. She had said it was her pussy for so many years that she became convinced herself that was the source of the smell. Even when I would try and correct her that it was foot funch, she would argue with me about it. I finally told Amy after all these years what Lynn had said and she thought it was hilarious :lol: