The things that make you angry thread

Now, the art department seems more friendly and helpful than most I hear about, but it's beginning to seem like no on is ever in the office. Went in there today to pick up an Add/Drop slip for some classes (almost got things reasonably fixed) and not even the head of the dept. or the 2 second in commands were in there. Even the secretary was gone!

Apparently there was an art rapture, I completely missed it. Hopefully they didn't take my favorite professor. :(
hmm... i'm off tomorrow but pretty much everyone else will have work or school or both. think i might just get baked if the parents are away.

and if those plans don't work out, i will be angry.
Are you like me, and angry that you're already so god-damn tired you're considering sleep already, but then you know you'll be too anxious about work Wednesday to enjoy tomorrow so you want to savor today?

I experienced that quite a bit when I worked at Toys R Us and Macy's...especially Macy's. Tis a horrible feeling :(

I like my new job so much. It's so easy, boring, and monotonous. I know what to expect every day and no one bothers me. I just listen to music and shuffle papers.

Ahhhh ice cream hiccups!! :mad: