The things that make you angry thread

DirecTV customer service. I have had to call those fuckers 4 times in the last two months because a channel that I am supposed to get is not coming in. When they make the adjustments so the channel actually shows up, it's because they have upgraded my package (heh heh) and charge me more for it. I just called them again to get the billing fixed, so I'm sure that channel will not show up tomorrow.
I HATE IT! Because I know I'll be mentally unbalanced (aka pissed off) all day the next day.... So, I'm actually going to get up early tomorrow to get my ass movin' before work...

And there is my new female co-worker. Stupid cunt apparently has a crush on me but I can't stand her presence for a second... but sadly I'm way to polite to tell her what I'd really like to do to her...

Yesterday I told her that I'm a gay Jew... and she BOUGHT IT. Good lord, Zombie Jesus....
Talked to my manager about the unpleasant assistant manager, and she was totally on my side and said that she had seen the other lady picking on me and thought I handled it very professionally. :)

Apparently that monkey bitch already complained about me, saying that I had too many clothes on hold. My manager told her "If I give Isabel a limit, it applies to you too," and that shut her up. Also she spent ALL DAY sitting in the back room, and the few times she did come onto the floor she just sat on the couch and texted.
school is such bullshit, we did an assignment which was basically a report on obama's speech and i basically wrote a fucking essay (1 1/2 page single space size 12 font) and still got 14/16 while the kids that wrote a quarter of a page or less and didn't even watch the thing got full credit. what a great lesson, actually try in school and you get fucked over so just bullshit your way through instead.