The things that make you angry thread

That's a tricky one depending on the tutor. Philosophy papers can be notoriously bad, full of pretence and nonsense. The introduction essentially dictates whether it passes, fails or indeed even gets fully read.
Even making one follow such a format may suggest it's because it facilitates easy marking. :)

Not everyone is as unprofessional as me, though.
i love dave chapelle and all his skits, his DVD's never get boring. It's a shitty video but its the only one on youtube that had the music and video run in-sync.

edit: haha i said shitty
:lol: Or how about the Shitty WOK, restaurant in South Park.

I never get tired of Chapelle either. I even still love the Rick James Bitch! Even though it's been played to death! It's a damn shame he's done! :(
I'm angry that every time I get around my sister and her fiance, a crap-fest is bound to happen. Between his being stubborn and her being impatient, they bicker like there's no tomorrow. All the while I'm sitting there wishing I could disappear. I HATE hearing people fight and I can't just get up and go. And since their yelling at each other over the printer delayed our progress I had to miss out on shopping with my mom. But when I got home she complete oblivious to the fact that we had plans.

Whatever. I'm really starting to hate people. Someone go make me a steak.
I'm angry that every time I get around my sister and her fiance, a crap-fest is bound to happen. Between his being stubborn and her being impatient, they bicker like there's no tomorrow. All the while I'm sitting there wishing I could disappear. I HATE hearing people fight and I can't just get up and go. And since their yelling at each other over the printer delayed our progress I had to miss out on shopping with my mom. But when I got home she complete oblivious to the fact that we had plans.

Whatever. I'm really starting to hate people. Someone go make me a steak.

I love meat. Especially big meat. I like to take my time with it though, if you go to fast you might choke...
working at walmart's fun, isn't it? :tickled:

store opens on Wednesday. I'm referring to this fucking guy that always wears a BRIGHT green shirt. downs syndrome AHOY! BOWL CUT AHOY!!!! he picked up some X-Files DVD near the rack I was stocking and he goes "THIS NEW?!" I said "no idea!" He said "OH BY THE WAY... COMING THROUGH!" and he continued shittily sweeping the floor with a gigantic push broom.