The things that make you angry thread

You know what really pisses me off at the moment??

Being CANNED without cause...while multiple people, specifically self-proclaimed bitches, talk shit in front of customers, gossip, grumble about doing any work and continue to feed office politics without EVER being reprimanded.

That is messed up.
I'm angry that every time I get around my sister and her fiance, a crap-fest is bound to happen. Between his being stubborn and her being impatient, they bicker like there's no tomorrow. All the while I'm sitting there wishing I could disappear. I HATE hearing people fight and I can't just get up and go. And since their yelling at each other over the printer delayed our progress I had to miss out on shopping with my mom. But when I got home she complete oblivious to the fact that we had plans.

Whatever. I'm really starting to hate people. Someone go make me a steak.

Parents have been married for SEVENTEEN years now.
this fucking black guy at my job that got fired. I'm glad I could aid in his firing. The other day, I found a cardboard sleeve (missing activation code) and empty CD case for Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas for the PC. It's $10. Anyway... I found it in the box we were sorting to put the games on the shelves. WHY WOULD HE PUT IT BACK IN THERE?! I picked it up and brought it to my manager. The next day, he was kindly escorted out of the building in cuffs by 5 cops. You don't fucking steal from my quarterly bonus. What a faggot.
You know what really pisses me off at the moment??

Being CANNED without cause...while multiple people, specifically self-proclaimed bitches, talk shit in front of customers, gossip, grumble about doing any work and continue to feed office politics without EVER being reprimanded.

That is messed up.

*hugs* :( You'll find something eles. Screw them bitches!
I hate when retarded kids that are allowed to go to bed early for being good try to jerk off into their neatly bleached and ironed school shirts set aside for the next day.
When people who make 8 bucks an hour act like they have a controlling stake in the company and go out of their way to enforce the tiny bit of power they have. I'm not saying don't do you job, but don't take it so goddamn serious. For example:

this fucking black guy at my job that got fired. I'm glad I could aid in his firing. The other day, I found a cardboard sleeve (missing activation code) and empty CD case for Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas for the PC. It's $10. Anyway... I found it in the box we were sorting to put the games on the shelves. WHY WOULD HE PUT IT BACK IN THERE?! I picked it up and brought it to my manager. The next day, he was kindly escorted out of the building in cuffs by 5 cops. You don't fucking steal from my quarterly bonus. What a faggot.

Wow, you're really pathetic. You got someone arrested over a 10 dollar game. Fucking loser, enjoy your meaningless shit job and make sure you work really hard to earn that minimum wage. Fuck, I hate people like you, the scum who take their shitty jobs too seriously, and abuse the microscopic power they have. You cry about wanting to be banned from UM because you want to have a life... jesus, I thought you were a cool guy but man you're a dumb piece of shit, really. I mean it's 10 fucking dollars, that isn't even coming out of your pocket. I mean even if the guy was an idiot, it's not like he's robbing the store blind. Instead of being a man, and talking to him about it, or even just IGNORING it, you had to be a spineless fuck and report it to the boss who makes 75 cents more than you. Jesus, this is all kinds of fucked.

At least the black guy has been touched by a woman in the last 6 month, which still makes his life better than yours.