The things that make you angry thread


If my brother got fired for trying to steal a game, then he got what he deserved.

Would you honestly not be angry if some fuck from Wally-World got someone close to you fired and arrested for stealing some shit on the side? I mean fuck YOU do all the hard work and they make billions from it and mistreat you, real nice.

If you're all that straight laced then enjoy your bland lives. I am not advocating thievery, but when you're stealing a small fucking thing from a billion-dollar company... who gives a fuck. The fact that an employee would care that much to report a person and even get them arrested them that's pretty sad. Not saying the idiot didn't deserve it, or that Will was solely responsible, I'm just saying, YOU MAKE MINIMUM WAGE STOP TAKING YOUR JOB SO GODDAMN SERIOUS. Go back to school and get an education if you want a job that requires you to actually exercise some power in a meaningful way.

I would have thought that on a board where a lot of you have jobs like cashiers and stuff you'd have learned by now to be laid back, chilled people who are smart enough to do their job well enough to keep it but not take it so goddamn serious that you're stressed from it.

They say "pick your battles." Heartless Name chooses some pretty fucking stupid ones haha.
Yeah, guilty as charged. Hell, this is the anger thread, and reading that made me angry.

I object that implication that I am a homosexual.
I didn't say I was better and I do not look down upon minimum wage earners, only the cunts who go out of their way to abuse or enforce the little power they have. And I have a lot of empathy, and while I'm sure the black chappy was an idiot... he didn't deserve to be arrested imo unless he stole from CO-WORKERS or customers.

EDIT: I am a big purveyor of the Giveafuck approach, especially when it comes to getting boardbashed :p
Let's move on then.

That EVERYTHING has pork in it irritates me about the Czech Republic. Only a minor chagrin, but OH SO MUCH PORK!

If it was all bacon, it wouldn't be a problem, but it's normally roast in some form with a bizarre gravy, dumplings and sauerkraut.
To throw some food for thought on to the discussion, I find it important to note, that in most retail stores, you are in charge of your department/cash register, what ever it is. I don't know how stores handle shoplifters that are customers, but I do know that if the manager suspects that it is another employee, and can't pin it down on any one person, then the person working that department is responsible for the loss. Eventually, that manager will start taking the loss out on Will's paycheck.

Shit rolls down hill, every thing has to be accounted for with the inventory. When shit starts turning up missing, who ever is above the manager starts getting on his case, then he has to bitch at the people below him for it. Most of the time when a person gets away with stealing one game, they will do it again.