The things that make you angry thread

One does not need a doctorate to punch people. It just makes it more awesome. You should shout out your moves as you attack too.

Wait, what does a PhD have to do with the lack of moving stairs?

It's not that big a deal. I've spent extended period of time away before, and I actually like being in places with (to me!) queer habits. Still though, I wonder where the hell the milk is? It's taken on this quasi-mythical role, for I can't see it anywhere!

AND so I ask you: IS MILK REAL?
Would you honestly not be angry if some fuck from Wally-World got someone close to you fired and arrested for stealing some shit on the side? I mean fuck YOU do all the hard work and they make billions from it and mistreat you, real nice.

If you're all that straight laced then enjoy your bland lives. I am not advocating thievery, but when you're stealing a small fucking thing from a billion-dollar company... who gives a fuck. The fact that an employee would care that much to report a person and even get them arrested them that's pretty sad. Not saying the idiot didn't deserve it, or that Will was solely responsible, I'm just saying, YOU MAKE MINIMUM WAGE STOP TAKING YOUR JOB SO GODDAMN SERIOUS. Go back to school and get an education if you want a job that requires you to actually exercise some power in a meaningful way.

I would have thought that on a board where a lot of you have jobs like cashiers and stuff you'd have learned by now to be laid back, chilled people who are smart enough to do their job well enough to keep it but not take it so goddamn serious that you're stressed from it.

Yeah, guilty as charged. Hell, this is the anger thread, and reading that made me angry.


*shakes head*

I don't see why it bother's you so much to get so personal about it.

what if someone, or the security camera's caught Will next to the empty box with the empty sleeve, and someone else found it, and reported it, and wonder why Will didn't turn it in. Ok if i were sorting boxes and i came across an empty sleeve, im gonna give it to someone and be like WTF. I'm not gonna point fingers at anyone, im just gonna turn it in cause i dont want to get introuble and also that is merchandise that needs to be credited...if it's not there gonna wonder why it's missing.

The black dude fucked up, not Will. You think that the black dude might of done it again? who knows what he might of took prior to that.

Did you think about these things before flying off the handle? Some of the things you said were un-called for man.
It's not that big a deal. I've spent extended period of time away before, and I actually like being in places with (to me!) queer habits. Still though, I wonder where the hell the milk is? It's taken on this quasi-mythical role, for I can't see it anywhere!

AND so I ask you: IS MILK REAL?

Yes, I had a glass of it with lunch, about 15 minutes ago.

And Steve, drop it. You're feeding the troll, no one wants that topic to go on. The new topic is "WHERE IS MY FUCKING MILK?!"

It's not that big a deal. I've spent extended period of time away before, and I actually like being in places with (to me!) queer habits. Still though, I wonder where the hell the milk is? It's taken on this quasi-mythical role, for I can't see it anywhere!

AND so I ask you: IS MILK REAL?

I had some milk with lunch too! haha, I love to put ice in it though. Nom Nom! Wow, it would be weird to have trouble finding milk!
Well, my ninjas traced who Vern was and found the answer no more than 3 weeks ago.

Vern was actually Rodney Dangerfield. We're screwed either way.