The thread of joy and enjoyment!

I like playing toddlerball. It's when someone drives by a sidewalk while another guy leans out the window and hits kids with a baseball bat.
I'm so fucking happy I ordered a new computer. Now I can get rid of this shitty computer that I've had for over 5 years, that was shit in 2005.
How can you not wank at all sometimes?

So sugar high from all the energy drinks ive consumed today.
So I have this older Carvin 4x12 cabinet, but the speakers were blown. Well I got one new speaker, but I could barely hear my guitar through it, so I assumed the jack plate on the cab was fucked too. Found a practically new carvin jack plate on ebay for 12$ shipped vs paying 40$ to order one from Carvin that was the wrong ohms anyway.
So today, driving down a wide, busy, three-lane street in a big Home Depot flatbed, I watched in awe and exhilaration as a little fucking faggot high school kid rode his bike blindly out across all three fucking lanes of traffic. Brake lights went on and you could hear them screeching, and this kid (who I'm guessing wasn't all that bright) suddenly gets his wits about him and you can tell he's fucking terrified. He finds himself in front of one of the cars (a brand fucking new, bright red Mustang), and the driver tries to swerve out of the way. Then this young, gifted fucking kid decides to try and avoid the car by swerving in the exact same direction. The Mustang had to slam on its brakes and drive off the road. The kid, while looking behind him, hit the curb and fucking flew off his ride. Serves him right if you ask me.

Seeing as how no one was seriously injured, I laughed my ass off about it later. It was a good thing he didn't pull out in front of me, otherwise his retarded brains would be splattered all over the windshield of the flatbed. Stupid people crack me up.

The worst is when black people decide to walk when the sign says 'Don't Walk' or when traffic is oncoming
Finished known distance shooting today.

233 out of a possible 250 pts, Hell Yeah!

For reference:
190 Marksman
210 Sharpshooter
220 Expert

And that was shooting in 100+ degree heat with up to 15mph winds. Pretty stoked.