The thread of joy and enjoyment!

After simply just reading the first post in this thread all I want to say is this: I remember having a roommate that I REALLY HATED years ago and at times wishing I were a dude just so I could jerk off in the shower just before she used it. Might sound gross, but she was the worst.
After simply just reading the first post in this thread all I want to say is this: I remember having a roommate that I REALLY HATED years ago and at times wishing I were a dude just so I could jerk off in the shower just before she used it. Might sound gross, but she was the worst.

Just found out yesterday that i've managed to score the job i've been after for the past 8 months.It's almost a year since I belted my old boss and got the ass.It turned out to be the best decision I ever made.
Going from being cooped up in a deadbeat warehousing job to sailing the seas is nearly unthinkable,it's been a crazy 12 months but it's all been worth it.There've been many times when i've worried about losing my home and not knowing where i'd be in another 12 months,it still does'nt seem real,i'm very lucky indeed.
Thanks very much Krampus,I can't describe it,it's been really getting me down.These jobs are really hard to get and it's one of the industries were the jobs usually only go to sons of people already working there.I've had to be persistent and I still can't quite believe it.

After simply just reading the first post in this thread all I want to say is this: I remember having a roommate that I REALLY HATED years ago and at times wishing I were a dude just so I could jerk off in the shower just before she used it. Might sound gross, but she was the worst.

omg you're a girl??
Holy shit!! I'm more interested in gaining employment at this stage 'granted' I pass the drug test but I have my ways!!
Turn them bitches down if they are not of aristocratic lineage,I know I would.
just about set on my travel plans to move back to the USA. flight is KoreanAir, my favorite airline aside from KLM. getting 6,800 miles to my SkyTeam account = more than 100,000 frequent flyer miles, woop woop. have a room to rent/some friends lined up in Austin too!
Holy dog shit. Texas? Only steers and queers come from Texas. And you don't look much like a steer to me so that kinda narrows it down.
I dunno, I've lived in upstate NY my entire life (minus the 3 years I've lived in yellow trash Japan). After this past winter ain't no way in goddamn hell I'm sticking around there. My parents didn't see grass from before Christmas until the end of March.

Are tickets sold out? I was reading the fest thread and at one point someone said there were only 1,000. I have a lot of homework to do on the bands.
Okay, so the ex girlfriend and I are on great terms again. Better friends than we ever were and can talk to each other about anything. I still feel for her and all that jazz, and she feels the same way... Maybe further down the track! But at this point in time I'm pretty content with what I've been doing and what's coming up. I've gotten myself out of my shitty rut that I've been in for about 2 and a half months and things are looking up.

I've pretty much got a job in between semesters that will be designing and testing mining explosives. I'll be going on a date with the Latvian chick from work tomorrow and it seems that girls around are taking more interest in me and I've gotten my self confidence back up to be able to flirt. Band is going well with new material being written (please do me a favour and check out the links in my signature, and maybe perhaps buy an album kthxbai!) and my guitar technique and playing has significantly improved. University work is getting harder but I've been managing my time better and doing better work. The only thing I need to get in order is to really cut down my smoking and get fit. YAY!
It's always good,first day on the job being warmly welcomed by memebers of the MUA,even the hierarchy of the ship will not enter your room without knocking if one is MUA.These are privelliges won by the union over the past two centuries...No one can fuck with us,There are no other jobs were the union backs their workers to such an extent.Definitely been an eye opener,faggots or uni students need not apply.
had an all-meat buffet at a brazilian grill last night. steaks, ribs, bbq, chops, chicken, ostrich, kangaroo... fuckin delicious!