The thread of joy and enjoyment!

Congratulations dude, you look good together.

My bit of joy and enjoyment... just made an excellent video game soundtrack playlist, really looking forward to some happy ass tunes at work tonight. I came across some great metal covers of a good deal of those songs today too, plan is set the list up so it's the original immediately followed by the cover.

It's the little things.
Just had the strangest but funniest thing happen to me. I was layin in bed readin and my bf comes bounding up the stairs, pins me down and tapes my wrists together with insulation tape, then he taped arms to my chest by wrapping it multiple times round my torso, then he taped my ankles together and my legs just above the knee, he then picked me up, threw me over his shoulder, carried me downstairs and out the frontdoor where he put me down and carried on laughing manically while i tried to hop my way over to him only to hop a step and lose my balance goin over like a newly felled tree.
he cut me free about ten mins ago after we had both managed to stop laughing our arses off.
God i love that man! :D :D
sure, if your boyfriend does it is "cute"... but if i do that do you i'm "creepy", or "how the hell you got into my house?".

Haha nah, i like ya so youre more than welcome to come and tape me up (that sounds a bit dodgy doesnt it?) Lol all i ask is that u dont put me outside coz it was freezing and i was only in my PJ's and dressing gown.
i half expected him to carry me to the train station and put me on the tracks like some damsel in distress ;)
The weather is fucking beautiful today! I went for a long run outside and now I feel awesome.
I too am very happy with the sudden regional warmup after so many weeks of deadly cold. However, with this sudden melting of all the snow, and the rainstorm they predict tomorrow, we could be seeing some nasty flooding along the Iowa River here.
Damn are you near the river?

I couldn't be happier about the warmer temperatures. After this stupid frigid winter, 39 F feels almost as warm as the first day of t-shirt weather, true story.

It's supposed to hit almost 50 this weekend. Gonna run outside if I can. YESSSSSS
You reminded me of this time I was in Hong Kong at night and it was in the mid 60's. I walked by this old man who was wearing a fur coat and shivering, and he said, "you're not cold?" and I said "no, it's much colder where I'm from," and he replied, "you're strong."
To be honest, it has to get down to the high 30s/low 40s for me to actually feel cold. But I would still pussy out if I had to be in -10 degree weather. I can't even fathom it.
39 F feels almost as warm as the first day of t-shirt weather, true story.

I remember when I was trucking, and we went from 0F (Montana Rockies) to 40F (Portland OR) in one day, I got out and was walking around in a Tshirt and shorts, and the old guys were shaking their heads.
To be honest, it has to get down to the high 30s/low 40s for me to actually feel cold. But I would still pussy out if I had to be in -10 degree weather. I can't even fathom it.

It sucks and no one should have to deal with it. Even the nomads in Nepal and Mongolia probably fucking hate it.
as long as we're talking about outdoor temps

i remember someone saying that "anything above 75 is unbearably hot"

and with me being from Texas
for me, anything below 75 is freezing
WOOOOO GOT MY TAX RETURNS FINALLY! Now to find a good first time lenders program so I can ditch the junkers for good...