The thread where you talk about non-metal music you like.

The hell it doesn't. It's not perfect, but it's still fucking epic.

It's you who don't deserve to be fellated.
Red's good, but I find it rather dry compared to the organic, free-flowing style of In the Court. Overall the two albums are pretty close I'd say.

Anyway, In the Court is clearly great, so go hump yourself faggot loser.

i don't really like prog rock in general. if it's not crimson's wistful stately soulless masturbatory nonsense then it's floyd's contrived overbearing down-with-the-kids melodramatics. so sick of most of that shit now.
@ Orion,

I agree with you and your opinion of "Kind of Blue">also, I firmely believe "Bitches Brew" and "The Black Saint and the Sinner Lady ( by Mingus ) are two of the greatest albums. oddly, i havent heard any mention of Mingus's album on here....any fans?

No Moody Blues?
No Cream?
No Doors??

Surely you jest.

I've never been drawn in by the typical blues-rock sound of that period, so a lot of material by the above doesn't appeal to me at all. I do enjoy the Doors and Cream stuff that ventures outside that, some stuff on 'Wheels of Fire' for example, but as a whole if I'm looking at a full album as a beginning defining statement for me in terms of what I like and the places I more prefer the rock idiom to go, 'In the Court' is that.

Red's good, but I find it rather dry compared to the organic, free-flowing style of In the Court. Overall the two albums are pretty close I'd say.

Anyway, In the Court is clearly great, so go hump yourself faggot loser.

'Red' is quite overrated IMO. It is dry indeed, and a lot of the melodies that carry the first few songs just don't flow well. 'Larks Tongues' and 'Starless and Bible Black' are definitely the better albums out of the Wetton/Buford band era.
I've never been drawn in by the typical blues-rock sound of that period, so a lot of material by the above doesn't appeal to me at all. I do enjoy the Doors and Cream stuff that ventures outside that, some stuff on 'Wheels of Fire' for example, but as a whole if I'm looking at a full album as a beginning defining statement for me in terms of what I like and the places I more prefer the rock idiom to go, 'In the Court' is that.

Well I can understand that. There are several aspects of '60s music that I don't really care about either - especially all the folk and the boy-band pop. I love the better blues-rock bands though - especially the ones like Cream and Ten Years After who were really creative with it.

Also, you seem unfamiliar with the Moody Blues, so I suggest listening some of their albums. They were doing symphonic/art rock two years before King Crimson's debut.

Where did our love go?

Your mom could answer that for you.
@ Orion,

I agree with you and your opinion of "Kind of Blue">also, I firmely believe "Bitches Brew" and "The Black Saint and the Sinner Lady ( by Mingus ) are two of the greatest albums. oddly, i havent heard any mention of Mingus's album on here....any fans?

i dig mingus