The thread where you talk about non-metal music you like.

Anyone else genuinely enjoy Pearl Jam - Ten? Pretty much the only album worthwhile from them. Songs like "Why Go", "Oceans", "Garden", "Release" make up for the overplayed songs. I usally skip over songs like Alive ,Evenflow, and Jeremy.
Anyone else genuinely enjoy Pearl Jam - Ten? Pretty much the only album worthwhile from them. Songs like "Why Go", "Oceans", "Garden", "Release" make up for the overplayed songs. I usally skip over songs like Alive ,Evenflow, and Jeremy.

Fuck yeah. It seems like everyone had their particular band from the grunge movement. Mine was Pearl Jam (despite my slight dislike for Vedder's opinions). Don't get me wrong, I like Alice in Chains and Soundgarden... but Ten was pure brilliance, mostly for the songs you mentioned. I still love the radio staples, but when I first heard "Once" and "Why Go" I was sold.

I really want to buy the new reissue they're putting out, but I don't feel like spending forty bucks.
Unfortunately I have to say Pearl Jam is somewhere in my top unlistenable list. They're above RHCP, but not by a lot. I find the band makes sound rather than music, and it instantly gives me that stomach feeling you get when you're really hungry but won't be eating for like 2 hours.
Unfortunately I have to say Pearl Jam is somewhere in my top unlistenable list. They're above RHCP, but not by a lot. I find the band makes sound rather than music, and it instantly gives me that stomach feeling you get when you're really hungry but won't be eating for like 2 hours.

I kind of lean this way. I have heard a handful of decent Pearl Jam songs but overall I don't care much for Pearl Jam or Nirvana. They seem kind of interchangable and boring to me.

Soundgarden is "my" grungeband, followed closely by AiC.
I don't really see how Nirvana and Pearl Jam are even comparable. Nirvana is influenced by punk, where Pearl Jam is influenced by more hard rock and blues. Furthermore, they definitely do not make noise (maybe on their later albums, but not on Ten). I mean, I can understand not liking their style, but don't degrade it to "noise." It's some of the most beautifully and carefully composed music to come out of the grunge era.
Nirvana is definitely the worst popular grunge band. They also get too much credit for being original.
yea Nirvana is good while Pearl Jam sucks

I forgot you're an idiot.

Nirvana is definitely the worst popular grunge band. They also get too much credit for being original.

Exactly. Same with the Beatles.

Mother Love Bone is the best Seattle grunge band if you ask me.

Interesting choice. I like both Mother Love Bone and Mudhoney, but I prefer the Big Three (Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains, Soundgarden).
Exactly. Same with the Beatles.

The difference between Nirvana and The Beatles is that The Beatles were extremely original, especially on the way things are recorded, although they're very overrated as musicians and songwriters if you ask me. Even though almost every rock band after them copies certain elements of their musical style to some degree, their biggest fans tend to place them on too high a pedestal from other music.
I forgot you're an idiot.
but I remember you have bad taste sillybuns

The difference between Nirvana and The Beatles is that The Beatles were extremely original, especially on the way things are recorded, although they're very overrated as musicians and songwriters if you ask me. Even though almost every rock band after them copies certain elements of their musical style to some degree, their biggest fans tend to place them on too high a pedestal from other music.

The Beatles were hardly original, especially if we're talking about their early material, which was all ripped-off from 50s rockabilly.

besides, The Stones are better.
Mother Love Bone is the best Seattle grunge band if you ask me.

Mother Love Bone were an 80s hair band who just happened to be from Seattle. not grunge at all.