The thread where you talk about non-metal music you like.

A Nicke Andersson band I've recently started to like is The Solution, which is strange because usually I can't stand soul.

Holy shit, I never realised Clutch's Pure Rock Fury was so awesome. I don't know what I was thinking the first time I heard it several years ago and dismissed it. Glad I tried it again.
So, my roommate and I got the chance to see Leonard Cohen last night. Besides being utterly phenomenal and reinvigorating my love for the old poet's music, we were also graced by the present of these lovely sisters who did a divine interpretation of "If It Be Your Will."

Leonard gives a little poetic intro (basically recites the lyrics):
I have to admit that I like the spastic-ness of stuff like Venetian Snares. I'm listening to Detrimentalist right now... and I just enjoy it.


I love this album. Common himself has a great voice, his subject matter is mature and unlike most popular rap and the beats on this album are just so damn classy.