The (Un)official Royal Carnage forum picture page

i'm very sick today and the last 50 posts just confused the hell out of my already befuddled mind. it didn't help that i read them in reverse order.

My A-Team Episode Synopsis
The janitor's
by circus_brimstone

On tonight's A-Team, JayKeeley has an old friend who's a janitor. But his friend has a big problem. A rival janitor is trying to drive the friend out of business. The rival has already eviscerated his friend's grandmother, and tried to steal a apple.

The rest of the team arrives to help. Nate The Great, is tremendously attracted to the pretty girl who works with the janitor, but she prefers Papa Josh. To further complicate matters the team is being chased by the fucking government.

The A-Team has a fight with the men of the rival janitor. Papa Josh says, ''Dude, just send $6 to my Paypal account and I'll leave you alone''. JayKeeley throws two guys through a window. Nate The Great gets a black eye and Papa Josh doesn't even break a sweat.

But the A-Team is captured when the rival's boss, Erik Grahn, shows up with twelve guys carrying uzis. The A-Team is locked in a conference room. Nate The Great says, ''We're fucked.''. Hannibal comes up with a plan. They build an armored hovercraft out of ladders and odds 'n ends.

The A-Team escapes and goes into Erik Grahn's territory, guns a-blazing. ''All I wanted was finally be able to worship Opeth, and that apple was the key.'' complains Erik Grahn, as the A-Team leaves him tied up for the fucking government.

''Let's try to stay on topic here.'' says JayKeeley.



My A-Team Episode Synopsis
The Bulungi
by circus_brimstone

The A-Team is hired by Kill Tully to go to Bulungi to rescue Kill Tully's uncle from Henrik Main, who is intent on taking control of Bulungi.

Because B.A. is afraid to fly they anally rape him and Murdock flies them to Bulungi. They arrive and go into the nearest Macy's where they get into a fight after asking about the client's uncle. They are overwhelmed by twenty or thirty really big villagers.

The little village in Bulungi is living in terror of Henrik Main and the accompanying band of thugs. MFJ convinces the villagers to let them go by saying, ''Like the artwork for the new Noltem?''

Hannibal comes up with a plan. He has B.A. turn pornographic magazines and a big gladius into a deadly bus. One Inch Man pretends to be big brother, but Henrik Main catches on and tries to club One Inch Man. Dev rescues One Inch Man at the last second. Then Hannibal goes in the 'front door' in their deadly bus. They manage to defeat all the thugs.

Henrik Main holds a gun to Kill Tully's uncle's head and escapes using the deadly bus as transportation. The A-Team pursues them. Dev shoots out the side window. When Henrik Main slows down to take a turn Kill Tully's uncle jumps out and is helped up by MFJ. One Inch Man throws explosives, causing the deadly bus to crash and flip over. Henrik Main climbs out unharmed. One Inch Man says ''...''. The A-Team leaves Henrik Main tied up for the authorities.

And in the little village in Bulungi there is much rejoicing. In order to get B.A. to fly home though the A-Team has to anally rape him again.


how to please a woman:

*insert list of 2495729435 things, many of which are contradictory*

how to please a man:

show up naked. bring beer.

how to please a NAD:

she say "what do you mean we're out of Glenlivet?! i was going to read On the Road for the 90th time tonight!!!"
lizard said:
"Cause' at five O'clock they take me to the Gallows Pole
The sands of time for me are running lowwwwwwwwww......"

EWEWEWEIEIRIADIIDSIDSSDSDSS those lines have been in my head all morning...
Monika said:
Thanks, much appreciated. Haha... :cool:
you're welcome ... you *know* we'd never fight over a guy ;)
Ahem. But back to the pictures.... this was a picture thread, right? Hm. What do I have...

The git's not mine though