The (Un)official Royal Carnage forum picture page

My cameras SD card is fucking up, trying to salvage what pictures I took this weekend... so far:

The man I had to sit next to for 18 hours on my way to Portland (I did not sleep in fear of getting fucking RAPED) :



More to come when I figure out what the hells going on with the SD card (it may be my reader).
This is how we celebrate easter! We went to Dikanäs (Where Johanna is from) and had a good ole family weekend!


Snowmobiling on kalfjället (Above the tree growth limit whatever that may be called) is fucken grand, it's like listening to Metal Thrashing Mad and Bergtatt - Inn i Fjeldkamrene at the same time


Me gangsta posing with the 1980 (I think) Ski-Doo Citation and the slightly newer Summit


More posing (read: looking stupid) and snowmobiles


View from 2 metres above where we...


Made a fire and...


stared hungrily at the hot dogs! (NOTE: These pictures are from the day before actually but wtf we did the same stuff all days, just in different locations)


Day 3: Pimpeltävling (Fishing contest), some random bloke drilling a hole in the ice to possibly catch one or two ridiculoysly small fish


Me jig fishing (? Pimplar föfan) for the first time ever, amount of fish caught was 0. I still got hot dogs afterwards though!


Also got that grand thermos! The kids were just loaned.

Thank you and adieu.
Mike, you look less like Jason Mewes these days. Wtf?

edit: This is how I celebrated easter... with my family and lots of wine!

Me and my little sisters

Me, my sisters and my cousins being dumb