The (Un)official Royal Carnage forum picture page




haha i think i have the companion picture i was taking at that moment :lol:

i have a couple pix, post em in a bit

that was a good show eh? nice meeting you guys in the flesh, albeit briefly :rock:

@ swizzle -- that great divide yeti shit, is it good?

Yep it's an awesome beer.
Ughh, I don't remember those candids being snapped. Add them to my portfolio of inebriated mugshots that give the impression that I'm a 6ft long flailing penis with no inhibitions.

Nevertheless, the show was quite superb, despite missing Russian Circles entire set. After a dozen rounds at McMnemins' Edgefield (Doomcifer you must visit this haven of hoppy goodness before your final exhalation), we met up with EricT at our 3 star palace. Thankfully for all, he was not shirtless, but came cloaked in cotton. We had dinner at Alameda Brewing company, then traversed to Berbati's Pan for a festival of the ages. The venue which was obviously owned and ran by Greeks, segregated the young minors of the audience to the left side of the venue. If this was to prevent them from imbibing in alcoholic laced libations, or to corner them off for post concert coitus was simply impossible to decipher. Perhaps IofStorm can issue some light to the inner wishes of his countrymen? Red Sparowes bestowed upon us a cavalcade of beautiful instrumentals to which the crowd responded to with languid sighs. I've never seen a crowd so bored in all my days. As Eric mentioned in the hotel, it was as if each Agalloch fan invited 17 noodle dancing friends for a night out on the town. Agalloch simply perforated my testicles with various songs from their full lengths (at which point the night became a blur.) To our surprise, no songs from the white Ep were performed.

Picked up a nifty limited ed Agalloch Tee at the gig. To those attending Ragnarok, be on the look out, these will be going fast. (I picked up the last one upon entering the venue)


Matt, it was a pleasure to make your acquaintance. :kickass:
Eric, glad to see that you made it home in one piece.
A few more pics from the Agalloch gig now that my SDcard is suddenly working:



Between the fog, the fact that I had to lean over 4 feet just to take a picture due to a giant pole in the tiny all ages section, and these 2 stupid disco balls hanging on the roof, it was a pain in the ass to get a decent picture.

Here's a picture of Jerry giving a negar 10 bucks for striking some mad beats on his plastic containers. He totally wanted to lick his shit:


And the hilariously gay pizza box of the hilariously bland pizza consumed in the wee hours of the morning:


A few shots of downtown Portland as I was walking to the bus station:



Leaving portland provided some interesting scenery involving the clouds on the mountains. Sadly, taking pictures from a moving bus is not too easy, but this is what I could get:



And here we have a picture of jerry doing something with a toilet. Honestly can't remember the circumstances, but there is also a picture of a shit covered toilet on my SDcard, so I'm sure it was significant in some manner:

The venue which was obviously owned and ran by Greeks, segregated the young minors of the audience to the left side of the venue. If this was to prevent them from imbibing in alcoholic laced libations, or to corner them off for post concert coitus was simply impossible to decipher.

you're kidding ... never heard of such a thing
wouldn't you stare at the floor too if you lived in a dreary place like the one in the pics above?
there is a reason all the grunge that came out of that area is such downer music ... sheesh
wouldn't you stare at the floor too if you leaved in a dreary place like the one in the pics above?
there is a reason all the grunge that came out of that area is such downer music ... sheesh

Or she was staring at my ass, one or the other.

I do have a cute ass if I may say so myself.
Portland is an absolutely breath taking city. I take it that you have not been to this Autumn wonderland?

have not kind sire ... highest N on the West Coast was the gay San Fran ... still one of my fave cities in the US

I heard great things about Portland, but those pics are not going to boost tourism :loco: ... these are like the anti-zod mexico pics:lol: