The (Un)official Royal Carnage forum picture page

thanatopsis, you know i usually say "the camera doesn't matter" and shit like that but in your case you would totally benefit from getting a good camera. your pictures are cool and ambitious and all, but there's just shitloads of noise in the dark areas, all the time. it kind of ruins that last night picture and is really visible in the sunset landscape pic too.

looks pretty ok to me
thanks dudeman. taken with a $10 lens, of course. SUPPORT THE WAR AGAINST EXPENSIVE SHIT
a good camera. your pictures are cool and ambitious and all, but there's just shitloads of noise in the dark areas, all the time. it kind of ruins that last night picture and is really visible in the sunset landscape pic too.

Yeah, my camera is shit and only getting worse with age. It's horrendous in a multitude of settings. Anything good that is also inexpensive and small enough to fit in my pocket?

Yeah, my camera is shit and only getting worse with age. It's horrendous in a multitude of settings. Anything good that is also inexpensive and small enough to fit in my pocket?
i dunno really, i usually use big stupid black cameras. panasonic lx3 is supposedly a very good pocket size camera but it is probably not what you would call "inexpensive". same goes for the canon g10. i would look at maybe some older canon powershots... a used g9, maybe?

unfortunately no compact digital camera is GOOD in low light for technical reasons; there are different gradations of bad though, and a better camera would undoubtedly improve on the kind of results you are getting now.

Where we went (to Johanna's family, picture is really 10k px wide, tried a great fun panorama program!):

Notice kool fog on the way there


Out being outy and grillin' hot dogs and skotring


A kool house, this one is mega huge as well and some of the detail shots are fekkin ace as well but the whole house is what you get.