The (Un)official Royal Carnage forum picture page

So is it just me or does anyone else go sit on the toilet, pants down just to relax, even if no defecation is involved?
I don't know, its just seems there is more time spent wasted thinking and doing the whole process of this alternative method than just just washing your hair like a man with soap or shampoo in 2 minutes.

you only think it's complicated because i've been posting about it a lot because people can't get over the fact that someone doesn't CONFORM into their little SOCIETAL STANDARDS well guess what society SCREW YOU.

it's not actually complicated irl it's like welp, every X days i wash my hair like usual, only instead of shampoo i use baking soda, whoop de doo (and in time the point is it's going to be a lot LESS complicated because i will not have to care about my hair at all since by several folks' reports of doing this it stays non-greasy and good for weeks on end after a few months/years of doing this)
i would move the camera up a bit so there's some air around the edge of the cup, that would help the composition in my opinion

also you should totally take this sort of picture with a longish shutter speed directly after pouring the coffee so it looks piping hot with some vapours rising like in all them coffee ad photos

i would also use a smaller aperture than f/2.8 so the closest edge of the cup is sharply in focus like the far edge is
Ehh, you people try having a curly afro mop like Nad and myself. Shampoo and conditioner (lots of conditioner...lots) are required. The conditioner is more important, but yeah I need the shampoo to wash out the crustiness and grease from the products I use to control my hurrr. That said, I only wash it about every three days simply because washing it is a damned pain in the ass and it hurts :(
from the first roll of superia 200 (cheap film!) i took with my latest camera, the pentax mz-6









your pictures are fucking gorgeous every time

i know i'm not very distinguishing with this medium i know almost nothing about, but hey!

edit: what is the 5th shot? bark?