The (Unofficial) write anything you want page - part 2

well this sounds exactly like carcass
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You know those religious tracts that certain people leave sitting around in hopes of reaching lost souls? I think they're called "Signposts" or "Guideposts" or something. Anyway, whenever I see some, I toss them in the garbage.

Dorian Gray: always keeping it real
Chick's Tracts? They are about 30 minutes from my house. I love the ones about Harry Potter.

I wrote SLAYER all over a miniature New Testament when I was 16. Immature, and hilarious.
Marriage: editing the grammar in my husband's Facebook posts in exchange for foot rubs. Yep.

You guys are very kinky...

Fucking hell I'm hungover with 100 dollar bar tab to show for it. Bring me coffee, Virgins to sacrifice, and possibly bacon.
I love bands with medical names. They make me laugh. What's that one Ken used to post about? Dysrhythmia? Hee hee!
I could come up with all kinds of good ones:
Interleukin - 1 one ever: TUMOR NECROSIS FACTOR
Wasn't there a death metal band called Anorexia Nervosa? Very metal. A disease common to insecure teenage girls