The (Unofficial) write anything you want page - part 2

What's your schtick for scoring all this tail? Youre a decent looking fellow, no homo, but it's as if your name was John Stamos. What's your gimmick Dr. Whisky? :err:

Honestly, I have yet to see what exactly is the reason women are so interested in me. I'm above average attractive at best (if a woman's been drinking). I'm not that charming, I can be funny but it's usually in a sarcastic way. Seems lately I just am in the right place at the right time.
So I got offered $200 for my Amon Amarth demo tape. I Paid $35 for it. I don't really need the money. What should I get for $200 that I would get lots of hours out of.
My right contact lens flew out of my eye on my way to work, so here I am with itchy chigger bites (another story) and only one good eye. I think these are signs that I should have taken the summer off.
My right contact lens flew out of my eye on my way to work

Been wearing lenses for shit knows how long, I can’t believe stuff like this hasn’t happened to me already.

Although, when I was 15 or so, one of my lenses broke in the middle during soccer practice. Both halves had started to make their way toward the back of my eye, fortunately my dad rescued them with a cotton swab…
Eeek! I keep poking at my eye to make sure it's not in there somewhere, but I don't see or feel anything in there. For me they're almost more trouble than they're worth, but the eye doctor says that, unlike glasses, the contacts help to keep my eyesight from getting worse. I really should start bring my glasses with me, just in case.
I've thought about it, but I don't like the idea of the loose flap of eye tissue that traditional Lasik leaves behind. I think there's a type where they don't do that, though. Hmmmm.
I also did it a few years back, maybe it was LASEK though, don't remember what is what really but my kind involved no cutting. One of the best investments I have ever done, never regretted it for a second. Anyone with less-than-good eyesight should do it right away.
I haven't heard of a method that doesn't involve cutting in some fashion.

LASEK would be cutting with a laser rather than regular scalpel. Much more precise and potentially far less terrifying, I'd imagine.

I should actually look into getting this done at some point. Did you guys experience any of the side effects? Particularly driving vision at night being impacted or the eyes feeling "dry".
There's two of these, they offered them in the army..I can't think of the other name but it was supposed to be 'safer' than lasik
After a night of drinking imperial Russian stout and too much Mexican food my farts are out of control. I have created a toxic cloud that would scare China.
Oh this should be a fun week

Yeah...I was thinking the same thing. We're supposed to be in the low 100's through Saturday. Doesn't go well with menstruation. :loco: